Uncle Loki and his cool Magic

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requested by - Burgerhamishere
thank you for requesting I hope
You like this chapter :))


Loki sat on the couch with a bored
face, His brother Thor had brought
Him in New York and is now inside
Tony's Tower

"Thor why did you bring him here?"
Tony asked and crossed his arms
Loki rolled his eyes ,Thor explains
that Loki is now good and he will
not attack anyone

Some of the Avengers were fine
with Loki being here as long as he
doesn't hurt or attack anyone ,but
soem of them like Clint still looks
at him suspiciously

While Loki is reading the Book that
Tony gave him ,A shadow appeared 
infront of him , He looked up and
saw a smiling teenager

"Hello!" The kid said enthusiastically
He knows about Loki , but he still
smiled ,for some unknown reason
he is not scared of him

"Hi...What do you need from me"
Loki said while staring at the boy
"Nothing...Its just you look lonely
What book are you reading?" He
asked the God

Who raised an eyebrow,wondering
why this boy is not scared of him
"Do you know me?..." Loki asked
"Ofcourse , I think everyone does
you're Loki the bad guy, But I think
you are not really bad" He said

"...You are not scared of me?" the
God asked Peter "No but actually
yes" Peter smiled awkwardly "Like
I'm not scared because for some
reason I feel safe with you and I
think you're really kind" Peter said

Loki smiled "But you are scared?"
"uhm..yeah , But it's just because
you are really strong and you are
a god you know...and you can do
magic which is by the way cool"
He said , Loki hummed and nod
the two continued talking , soon
Loki started showing magics to
Peter He made a flower and gave
it to the child , just like what he
used to do

Peter smiled "woahh...I wish I can
do magics too but I can only do
this" He said and he shot a web
Loki raised an eyebrow "you are
like..." Loki said "A Spider" Peter

"let me teach you some magic"
Loki said Peter gasped "Really??"
Peter asked , Loki nodded and he
began teaching Peter some easy


Both Natasha and Tony noticed
their Spider child next to the God
"Peter?? what are you doing ,stay
away from Loki!"  Tony said and
Peter looked at him confused

"Oh hey Mr.Stark!Look what I can
do!" Peter said while smiling , He
opened his palm and green smokes
appeared and he created a Spider
which disappeared quickly

"Uncle Loki is teaching me Magic"
He said ,Loki smirked at Tony who
glared at him , Tony sat between
the two , Peter smiled awkwardly
Tony glared at Loki who let out a
sigh "He is my underoos , I made
his suit he is my intern and he is
my s o n" Tony said

Loki rolled his eyes and smiled at
Peter who giggled and patted Tony's
back while akwardly smiling

the end

:)) Any requests? im running out of
ideas again I hope you liked this

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