baby spider Part 3

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Here's the part 3 of our baby spider

Steve's Pov

"Time to have a bath Peter!" I
said and he crawled towards
Tony "No bath!" He said while
hugging Tony's arm

"Stinky Baby Spider Needs to
take a bath" Tony said while
tickling Peter , I chuckled at
the two...I wish we could just
stay like this...

"Let's go peter" I said and picked
him up , Tony raised his eyebrow
and I just sighed and took Peter
to the bathroom "steeb?" Peter

I want a family like this...I just
want to stay like this with Tony
but does he? He was probably
just teasing me about the Mommy
and Daddy thing because Peter
is like this...

"Hey Steve what's wrong?" Tony
said and I looked at him crying
"Hey hey , what happened?" Tony
asked , "N-Nothing..." I said ,He
hugged me and I just cried

Tony's pov

This is the last day Peter will be
a baby , He'll turn normal again
I'm not gonna lie but this is fun
it's the family I want ...with steve
but maybe he doesn't like me
He's just helping me to take care
of Peter

He picked up Peter and went
to the bathroom ,He was serious
I looked at him weirdly and chased
him , Wondering what happened

"Hey Steve what's wrong?" I asked
and he looked at me crying "Hey hey
what happened?" I asked and hugged
him, "what's wrong? Tell me" I asked
oh god what am I doing...This is so
weird but it feels right hugging him

"...I wanna stay like this forever" He
said and chuckled softly "Me too"
I said and he looked at me with
Puffy eyes "I want to have a family
like this...With you...and this was
just like what I wanted...But it will
end soon..." I said

"Dada mama" We both looked at
Peter and chuckled , "I'll wait for
you two" I said and left them

Peter's pov

why don't they just confess to
each other ... Not gonna lie but
I'm glad Dr.Z turned me into a
baby ...though I don't want to be
like this forever

After taking a bath , we went to
the others, "Hello Baby Peter!"
Clint said and I waved at him
"Hi Lil Spider" Aunt Nat said and
took me from steve

She kissed my cheek and I giggled
"so...what time will he turn back to
normal?" Aunt Nat said while poking
my cheek , I started to feel dizzy oh
god... I started crying and everyone
panicked "Guys calm down" Steve


Steve's pov

Peter turned back to normal and
groaned "Hey...Guys" He said while
holding his head "canyoupleasenot
look at me" He said while using the
pillow to cover his body... "Ah shit"
Tony said and grabbed the blanket
"Here kid" He said and Peter wrapped
his self at the blanket

"Thanks Dad" He said and stood up
He looked back at us and blinked
"Sorry kinda got used to it..." he said
while laughing "I dont mind...its fine
call me dad if you want" He said and
Peter grinned "What about mommy
steve?" Clint said and I sent him a

"Hey guys?" Peter said and we looked
at him "remember that time you told
Baby me about how much you want
me to stay baby forever? and how
much you guys love e-" Peter said
and I covered his mouh

"Love the baby you, because you're
so adorable haha yeah" I said while
nervously laughing , Peter removed
my hand from his mouth "just tell
him already mom" Peter teased

"...ok.." I said and took a deep breath
"I l-" I said but Tony cut me off "No
stop wait" He said and I frowned ,he
coughed and smiled "Steve Rogers..
I want to let you know that... you're
such an awesome mom" He said
wait whaaaat...

"and that...I love you" He said and
Peter wiggled eyebrows and I looked
at him weirdly while laughing "I love
you too..." I said and he kissed me
"Ewww mom dad get a room!" Peter
said making the others laugh "Wear
something first kiddo" Tony said

the end

:> hope you enjoyed reading that

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