Bad guy Part 2

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Stark's pov

It's been a week since we started
looking for Spiderman , this kid is
dangerous and we need to arrest
him as soon as possible

Fury Told Clint and Natash to go
look for this kid while I try to look
for information about spiderman
but sadly the only information I got
is that he kills 10 people in a day
I have no idea why is he doing this
so we need to capture him


Peter's pov

"Good morning Little Spider" says by
a Familiar voice , I turned around just
to see both Black Widow and Hawkeye

"Good Morning Miss Black Widow" I
said in a fake sweet tone , just when
are these people gonna stop

"Just go with us or we won't let you
go" Hawkeye said and I chuckled
"I can escape whenever I Want
Mr.Barton" I said and he clicked his
tongue and shot an arrow next to

"where are the others? and how's Mr.Stark" I asked them while fighting the two of them Black Widow threw a dagger to me and I dodged , She kicked my leg making me lost balance "oh he's
fine , you miss him already?" Hawkeye
said and I just chuckled "Maybe"

Black Widow pointed a gun at me
making me freez , "it's not nice to
hurt a fellow spider" I said "Wait
where's hawkeye?-" I said then
felt someone's hand on the back
of my neck , I turned around and
saw hawkeye "Oh there you are"
I said and he tried to punch me
but I dodged and immediately
ran away from them


No one's pov

"You idiot! why did you let him
escape!" Natasha yelled at Clint
"I was gonna chase him but he's
too fast" Clint said

"Atleast I placed the tracker thing
on him" Clint said and Natasha let
out a sigh "There's a chance he might
see it and remove it , Let's go back"
she said and the two went back to
the Tower


"Clint let the kid escape" Natasha
said and the others sighed "hey its
ok , atleast I did what Stark told me"
Clint said

"Ok let me just ask Friday if he
could track that bug down" Stark
said and asked Friday about the
tracker , The AI immediately responds
and gave them the location of


The Avengers stood infront of an old
Apartment , They slowly went inside
and it was messy and obvious that
he doesn't clean this place

While Peter was on his bed he felt
his spidersense tingling and wore
his mask to cover his face , he stood
up and grabbed a dagger that he use
to kill and went out of his room

he slowly looked around the apartment
and heard something on the kitchen
so he went there and saw The Avengers
"what the fu-" He said before feeling a sudden pain on the back of his head and being unconscious


Peter woke up in a room , It wasn't
his ,This is too clean to be his room
"Good Morning Mr.Parker" says by an
unfamiliar voice , Peter groaned and
looked for the source of the voice

Peter saw a guy with an eyepatch
with dark outfit "who are you" He
asked the man "I am Nick Fury" He

"Alright Fury , how did you know
my last name and why did the
Avengers kidnapped me Instead
of sending me to the police
station" he said

"I might have searched some infos
about you.." He heard Stark said and
glared at him "Oh wow Stalker much?"
Peter said and sarcastically chuckled

"You can easily escape if we put you
in the police station so we'll keep you
here at the tower where the Avengers
can be with you" he said and he nodded

"so...Am I not allowed to go out?" he
asked and He thought for a moment
"No , and you're not allowed to kill
if you kill anyone we have no choice
but to lock you in a jail" He explained
"Ok then..." He said and Fury left

"I guess I'll be living here with you
guys?" he said while smiling at the

"Hey peter" Tony said catching the kid's
Attention , Peter looked up and raised
his eyebrow "Yes , Mr.Stark?" He said
its been almost a week since Peter
started living here at the tower

"Why do you kill people?" Tony asked
and Peter made an 'oh' sound and sighed , Tony awkwardly smiled and
immediately regret asking the kid

"Sorry , Its ok you don't have to answer
thar question if you don't want to" He
quickly added and Peter chuckled

"when I was a kid...My parents were
killed by hydra , I got kidnapped by
them and they injected me something
that gave me my power" Peter explains
Bucky heard Peter and sat next to him , Peter continued explaining his life to the two

"Then I tried being a hero... though
every people I save doesn't like me
I mean...they just keep running away
from me like im the bad guy , when
I'm the one who saved them" He said
and this time Sam and Steve came in
and joined them

"I just stopped being Spiderman and
focused on being a normal teenager
...but My Aunt last family , was
killed in our apartment" Peter said
and his vision became blury

"Why is my Lil Spider Crying? who
hurt him?" Natasha said and went
to her spiderson , even if he was
kinda rude to her , the two still got
along and Natasha found out that
Peter is actually kind

"i-im ok Mrs.Romanoff" Peter said
between sobs , Tony was sobbing
and so the others , Bucky was shocked
at the fact that This kid infront of
him has also suffered at hydra

"I-im s-sorry for everything...I shouldn't have killed people , I- I shouldn't have became the bad guy... I'm so sorry For being a stubborn , I shouldn't be here...I d-deserve to d-die" Peter said while crying , he wasn't asking for pity 

"Shhh Listen Peter , Even if you were
the bad guy it doesn't mean you'll
always be one , there's always a chance for everyone to be a hero and the good person if you try" Tony said
while rubbing Peter's back

"Stark's right Peter , I also got kidnapped by the hydra and became
the winter soldier , I was forced to
kill people...I was lucky Steve was
there for me and he never gave up
on saving me...but you... you're just
a kid , I'm so proud of you Peter ,
you can still be good" Bucky said
Peter cried and hugged all of them "T-thank you" Peter said "We're your family now peter , you're not alone anymore" Tony said


The end , Omg 1k words , I'm so sorry if it's too long , I hope you
Enjoyed this villain au

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