Sensory Overload - edited

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Peter hates uncomfortable things.

Despite being a vigilante who has to
face dangerous stuffs almost everyday,
the teen still has a list of stuffs that he

And loud noises are one of them.

The brunette had always have hated
anything that is loud ever since he was
a kid because it gives him headache, and
the fact that his hearing had increased ever since he got his power only made it worst.


[Peter's pov]

Today was shitty. Not that it's not shitty
everyday but today was extra shittier and
here's why,

I stayed up late for a project which made me late for class, just to find out that the teacher extended the day that it was due

Flash threw my bag on a roof.

The class was noisy as f u c k.

So noisy I had to fight the urge to shot
a web on everyone's mouth and just get
the fuck out of that hell hole.

Luckily they let us leave earlier than usual.


Entering the tower for the 10th time this
week, I walked towards the elevator and entered with a deep sigh.

I just want to lock myself in the room and cover myself with my ironman comforter and sleep for hours.

But Mr.Stark wanted to talk to me about a criminal which I encountered last night.

Everything was too loud, too bright, too
hot, it was too uncomfortable. I just want
to go home, I want my bed.

I shut my eyes and let out a sigh followed
by a soft groan, I slowly opened my eyes
and see that the elevator was now open.

"for fuck's sake Tony, we only came back
here yesterday and you're already acting
like this??"

"why are you making it look like it's my
fault that you were talking shit behind my


"I was right anyways, if living here and trying to fix the group again means having to deal with you and your attitude, then I would rather leave."

"well guess what? I also hate your attitude."


Peter couldn't help but to cringe whenever
one would raise their voice, he was way too
tired to deal with two grown up adults arguing infront of him.

Should he just tell them to shut the fuck up,
wait- how do one tell people to shut the fuck up in a polite way?

nevermind about that-, as Peter was just finally about to say something to the two,
a red head entered the toom.

Wearing an oversized t-shirt and is that a
boxer?-, a peanut butter sandwich on hand,
a bread knife on the other.

It was none other than the black widow,
she looks at Peter and then at the two adult
who were, for some reason still arguing.

She noticed Peter's exhausted appearance
and then looked at the two adults who kept on arguing like an old married couple.

She tapped Peter's shoulder who looked at
her with an awkward painfully forced smile,
and as she was just about to ask what was
wrong, a certain archer entered the room, along with a certain metal armed guy.


Peter whimpered and could only curl into a
ball, hoping for the headache to fuck off.

This didn't went unnoticed to both Natasha
and Bucky who immediately stuffed Clint's
mouth with the donuts that they bought causing for the male blonde to not finish his sentence.

"alright I'm sorry, now let's stop this-" Steve said with an annoyed look, noticing how the people in the room were increasing

"you're obviously not" Tony said with an even more annoyed look

"if you two are going to argue like an old married couple everyday, go get a room that is soundproof so that you wouldn't bother everyone and cause someone to
have a sensory overload, and no, before
you defend yourself, I don't give a fuck whoever started it or whatever happened,
go solve it on your own like grown ups."
Natasha butted in and casually sat on the
couch with Peter.

"oh shit-" Tony whispers and rushed to the
kid "Fri lower the brightness of the lights
and block the noises from outside."

"I'll carry him to Natasha's room and let him rest there" Steve offers

"just take him to my room, it's nearer and
his stuffs are there." Tony said

Steve noded and carried the now sleeping
teen on his arms.

"Are we just going to ignore the fact that
you have his stuffs in your room?? like, Im
very c o n c e rmmff?!-" Clint asked and Bucky once again shoved an entire donut in his mouth

"You really should learn how to control your mouth.." the long haired mumbles while shaking his head

Tony glared at Clint "first of all, I am very offended by the fact that you think that low of me. Second, I have like 3 rooms in this floor and I let him use one of them because,
Third, Peter is basically like my kid."

"...did you just admit that you think of him as your kid?" Steve asked with a chuckle at the end

"donuts?" Bucky offered to Steve who happily took the donut with red, white
and blue sprinkles.


"pff, Tony Stark found soft for a spider kid"
Natasha teases while taking a donut from Bucky.

"donuts?" Bucky offers to Tony who was still trying to process what Clint just said.


The next morning, Peter woke up and realizes that he was in the same room that he also woke up in last week when he fell
asleep in the lab while studying.

(falling asleep on the couch as a child
and then waking up on the bed the next morning because your dad carried you
there last night is one of the best things
in childhood and yet something I never
experienced lol.)

Entering the kitchen, Peter was greeted with the sweet scent of pancake and the
lively conversation of the people in there

Thankfully his headache was gone and
everything were finally back to normal.
It wasnt too loud anymore-





edited : September 4, 2020

due to quarantine, the author has decided
to try editing/fixing/changing some of the
chapters. Editing of the chapters will not be in order and is only going to be randomly selected.

That's why some chapter might be crap and some might be less crappy.

Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed.

Peter Parker and His Overprotective Familyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن