No more Spiders

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Here is a chapter of Peter being
Scared of spiders ,Requested by
rosebudz662 , Enjoy reading :)


No one's pov

Peter's class just ended , He and his
best friend ned went to the canteen
and sat there ,eating their lunch and
talking about Legos

"Ned guess what" Peter said smiling
Ned tilted his head "What?" Ned said
"Ok so remember that time I brought
you to the tower and we saw the set
of Lego Mindstorm?" Peter asked

Ned nods , Remembering The cool
Lego "Yeah..Wait, Don't tell me you
have one..Oh my Thor,That thing is
Expensive-" Ned said excitedly

"Mr.Stark said we can use it!" Peter
Said Ned gasped and smiled widely
"Oh my Thor , Oh my thor really???"
Ned said , Peter chuckled at Ned

While the two are eating and talking
about the Sensors of the Robot they
are going to make , Flash had to ruin
their afternoon by making fun of the

"Why do you eat so much? Don't you
see how fat you are? It's disgusting"
Flash said making the other student
laugh ,Ned frowned and stared at his
feet Peter sighed and stood up

"Stop it Flash , He didn't do anything
to you" Peter said , Flash raised his
eyebrow and smirked "Ok then... I'll
leave him... but not you Parker, Go
at the restroom later, Don't go and
you're dead tomorrow" He said and
walked away

"Y-you shouldn't have talked back
Im sure he's going to do something
What if he Hurts you? Oh my Thor"
Ned said , Peter sighed "It's alright
Ned" He said smiling

Peter went in the restroom , Ned
wanted to go inside but Peter told
him to stay outside so They really
won't hurt him

"Parker... I see you are here..." he
heard flash and saw him with his
friends holding a jar with spiders
Peter stared at it , Remembering
the time he got bit by a spider

Flash pulled him and shoved him
in one of the toilet room , He told
his friends to throw the jar inside
which they did , They locked Peter
inside who was crying

Spiders started crawling around
Peter tried to open the door but
he couldn't , He doesn't like this
why are they doing this what did
he do to them

Peter gave up on opening the door
He saw the spiders trying to crawl
towards him , "N-No ,Don't go near
me-" He whispered crying ,He knew
he sound so pathetic

"Help...." He whispered as he hug
his knees and crying ,He heard his
Best friend's voice "Peter?! are you
in there?" Ned asked trying to open
the door ,He couldn't "N-Ned" Peter
said sniffling

"Spiders, There are... Spiders...Help" Peter said ,Ned's eyes widened and
he kicked the door but it just would
not open ,He sent a message to Tony
and soon he appeared on his suit

"Where is Peter??" Tony asked Ned
pointed the door with chains and
tapes , Tony kicked the door with
his suit and it finally opened...well
it broke and fell on the floor

They saw Peter trembling in fear
with spiders on the wall and floor
Tony removed his suit and kicked
the Spiders away "Mr.Stark-..." the
crying teen said , Mr.Stark frowned
and hugged him

"C-Creepy Death Dealers- ....they're
here...They put him here and...They
they locked me in here..." Peter said
Tony rubbed his back and kissed his
forehead "No more Spiders Pete, It's
alright now , Calm down" Tony said

"No more spiders" Peter said and
took a deep breath , "I-Im sorry...I
.... Didn't mean to bother you dad-"
Peter said , The man probably was
in a meeting or something , He cut
the anxious kid off

"First of all you didn't bother me
it's alright I wasn't doing anything
and even if I was , I would still go
here to save you from those, and
second did you just call me dad
that's sweet , Thanks son" Tony
said ruffling his hair

Peter gasped and covered his mouth
but removed it when Tony called him
Son , He smiled "uh anyways how did
you even end up in here with Spiders"
Tony asked and stood up and helped
Peter stand up "Uhmm..." Peter stared
at his feet

"Flash and His Friends told Peter to
go in here They probably locked him
in here...I saw them walk out of the
restroom with smirks" Ned explained
Tony raised an eyebrow "...Someone
has been bullying you?" Tony said
looking at Peter who frowned

"th-They were always making fun of
Ned...." Peter said , Tony sighed and
smiled "Let's go kick someone's ass"
Tony said , Ned and Peter smiled at
each other and went to the principal


Let's just say Flash end up apologizing
for bullying the two and scaring Peter
with spiders and Tony took the kids
who built the lego mindstorm, They
named him point one

the end

Sorry for the late update , Couldn't
think of what to write and I was
drawing Thor and Loki

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