Bad guy

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What if Spiderman was never
The "friendly neighborhood"
And he's a murderer that the
Avengers has been trying to

I saw far from home's trailer
And when I saw Peter's stealth
Suit I was just like 'What if
Peter was a villain? Just what if'


Peter's pov

I grabbed the man's shoulder before
pointing my knife at his throat ,  he
tried to escape but failed , You must
me wondering what on Earth I am
doing , I'm just trying to save earth
from overpopulation by killing the
people who needs to be killed , dont
worry I dont kill innocent people

"I-I'll give you my m-money , sir don't
hurt me p-please , Just don't kill me"
The man said while trembling, I let
out a chuckle

"Man , I heard you raped a little girl
then killed her?" I spat and his eyes
widened "S-sir please dont kill me
I'll let you have my d-daughter" he
said and started sobbing "I'll give
you money-"

My eyes widened and I immediately
killed him ,This guy is so disgusting
he would give his own daughter just
to stay alive? really? that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard

you're probably thinking why I killed
him instead of sending him to the
jail , I've killed lots of people how
can I do that when I myself is also
a bad guy?

I heard footsteps and turned around
and see all of the Avengers , I let out
a sigh "I'm too tired to deal with you
guys" I said and yawned

"you killed someone again" Black
widow said with a sigh "It's my job"
I said "you don't have to kill people"
Hawkeye Said "well I want to" I
Said and he sighed

"Why don't you just come with us"
Tony Stark said while wearing his
suit "Just to be put in a jail or be
killed or something? no thanks"
I said , I know they're gonna hurt
me since I've killed lots of people
I looked at them boredly before
swinging around the new york

I went home to my apartment
and hid my suit on my closet
I laid on my bed and began to
sleep without eating since I'm
too lazy and the fridge is empty


I woke up and yawned , I dont have
school by the way since May died
when I was 14 I just stopped and
thats when I started to kill people

I took a bath and wore a blue hoodie
and fixed my hair , I went to Delmar's
to buy food and ate it , I went home
and wore my black suit


"Help!" Yelled by someone , I immediately looked for that someone
and saw a guy with a mask pointing a
gun at a lady while holding her bag

"I am here!" I yelled and jumped from
the building and landed on the person's face , luckily he was still alive ...I think or maybe he's dead? i dont know , and honestly I dont care

I hope someone understood the reference

"S-spiderman?" the lady said while trembling "Hey there" I said and waved at her and she ran away screaming "you're welcome!" I yelled , Guess She doesn't like me huh

I really prefer being a bad guy than
Being a hero , because sometimes
it's not worth it saving people
the end

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