Angry Uncles

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:)) Requested by - GhostHam123
For the requests which I still didn't
do I am so sorry , But don't worry I
will write it when I can , Thank you
and Enjoy reading

No one's pov

"You're just a burden Parker...See?
your Aunt killed her self because of
you ,you should be dead right now"
Flash said laughing ,Peter stared at
his bag , It's been a week since May
Killed her self , No one knew Why

and Flash has been making fun of
Peter because of her death , Peter
just stared at his bag with tears, he
just looked down , Not wanting to
let people see him crying ,He let out
a sigh and tried to ignore Flash But
the bully just wouldn't stop talking

"I am glad that she killed her self so
she wouldn't have to deal with a kid
like you-" Flash said ,Peter stood up
angrily and glared at him "What? I'm
just trying to say the tr-" Flash could
not even finish when Peter punched
him in the face

Ned pulled his best friend ,While MJ
talked to flash "you know what Flash
...are you that pathetic that you even
use someone's death to make fun of
someone?" MJ said glaring at Flash
and left ,Leaving Flash who's holding
his cheek which Peter punched


Peter went back to the tower , When
Stark found out about May's death he
didn't even hesitate to let the kid stay
in his Tower,He might even adopt him
since The teen doesn't have any family
left and Tony thinks of him as his son

Peter saw the Avengers talking , when
they saw Peter they frowned , He just
ran to his room and cried in his pillow
he heard a knock and wiped his cheek
He stood up and opened the door just
to see Loki and Scott

Peter let the two enter his room ,there
we're tissues everywhere "I'm sorry it's
so messy I-" Peter said and sat on the
bed , Loki cut him off saying they don't
mind "so uh....Why are you guys here "
Peter asked smiling

Scott stared at the teen's face , Messy
hair and puffy eyes , It is obvious that
he is Sleep deprived ,Scott sighed ,He
Hates seeing the kid like this , He just
want to see the happy Peter again but
what are they supposed to do ?...

"This letter fell from your bag when
you ran earlier..." Loki said holding a
letter , Peter's eyes widened it was
the Letter that the teacher gave him
since he punched Flash earlier , MJ
was pissed because it was actually
Flash's fault for not shutting up

but there's nothing they can do, the
principal wants to talk to Peter's gua
rdian , Peter looked down , are they
going to scold him? are they Angry?
Tears started falling on his cheeks
"I-I'm sorry..." Peter said wiping his
tears which just keeps falling

Scott hugged Peter while rubbing his
back and trying to comfort Peter ,He
whispered things to calm him "We're
not mad Peter, We just want to know
why, we just want you to Tell us what
happened ,because we are your Family
now Peter, and I'm sure you will never
hurt someone just for fun" Scott said

"F-Flash he- He said he's glad May k-
killed herself so she wouldn't have to deal with me-" Peter said while crying
Loki was angry,He wants to know who
is this Flash kid and stab him until he
is satisfied , Scott wanted to cover
Flash with ants


Peter woke up with a smile , He feels
alright now ,sure he is still upset About
May's death ,but he's happy that he has
a supportive family, He went to school
and Flash was smirking , He's probably
planning something

"hey are you going to
bring? Wait...I forgot you don't have a
Guardian or family ...and even if you
have I don't think they care about y-"
Flash was cut off when a snake crawled out of Peter's bag and went
to Flash who screamed like a girl

"aaaaAAAA Holy shit , what the fuck"
Flash said and Peter took the snake
and stared at it , "Ok Loki , I know it's
you ,What were you doing in my bag"
Peter asked sighing , The snake turned
into Loki and students gasped

"We just wanted to make sure you'll
be fine in here" Loki said , Peter sighed
and crossed his arms and was going
to scold Loki "Wait ,what do you mean
by we-" Peter said and Scott appeared
Peter groaned and facepalmed

"Seriously? Scott? You too?" Peter said
and Scott giggled "c'mon Baby Spider
we were just worried, also something
else is important than this" Scott said
pointing Flash who shivered "Oh you're
right..." Loki said smiling and slowly
pulling a dagger

"You are that Flash who made fun of
Peter right? If you ever hurt Peter...I
have no choice but to turn you into a
Goat" Loki said and some students
laughed , Even MJ smirked a little
Flash ran away scared


Peter went home with Loki and Scott
Smiling and telling the two Puns that
Loki don't understand , And Making Vine reference that they love

The end


Hello Everyone i am so sorry for not updating , I'm just thinking ,If I should End this book already , But I want to get 100k reads first , Then focus on my other oneshots or make a new one anyways byeee

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