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Peter's pov

"Im sorry Peter ... I'm tired of being
a Loser like you" Ned said and faded
I looked around thinking where I am
and what's happening

"You're such a Loser" MJ said and
sighed ,Soon she faded just like Ned
"Pathetic Penis Parker!" Flash yelled
"You're such a burden to me Peter"
May said while crying

"A-Aunt May?" I said and hugged her
but she faded too , I cried why is Every
one disappearing? Why do they leave
me? Am I really a burden?

soon I saw someone's feet I looked
up and saw Mr.Stark with an irritated
look "You're annoying! you keep being
a burden and bothering me" He said
and faded

everything were white but I still could
hear their voices "bother" "Burden"
"Loser" "Pathetic" "Just die-"




I woke up panting , I saw Mr.Stark
with a worried face , I sat up and
wiped my sweat "you were having
a nightmare..." He said I frowned

The Avengers are here too...My
vision became blury "Im sorry I
woke you guys , I'm sorry for being
a burden , Im sorry for  bothering"
I said

"Peter you didn't bother us , if you
think you're bothering us you should
stop because we care about you and
we love you" Aunt Nat said while
patting my shoulder

"remember that time I was having a
Panic attack?" Mr.Stark said and I nod
"You were the one who calmed me , I
was happy that someone calmed me
when I thought I was just an arrogant
and selfish person" He said

"We will always be here for you Peter"
Steve said , I stopepd crying and gave
them hugs "I love you guys" I said and
they hugged back "We love you too"

the end
its 3 am , sorry for not updating

Peter Parker and His Overprotective FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now