arguing dads

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Peter's POV

I heard yelling and I groaned , what
day is it today? Saturday...Oh great
no school , I yawned and stood up
I heard My dads' voices and left
my room to check what's

"Y-you cheated on me!"

"wh-what , I don't know what you're
talking about Steve-"

"Oh...really?!... don't lie to me Stark
I saw everything , y-you're making
out w-with someone..."

"Babe im s-"

"shut it...I-I can't do this anymore

My eyes widened at what I am seeing
please let this be a dream Dad cheated
on Pops again? This gotta be a prank
or a nightmare or something-

"Im leaving..." I heard Pops said...
No , no no no , I opened the door
and went to the two while crying

"Wh-what- no y-you- I- I-" I stuttered
I didn't know what to say , Should I
beg him not to? but what if Dad just
do this again? will they break up?

"P-peter?" Dad said and I looked
down crying ,I sighed in frustration
and took a deep breath "Why are
you here" Dad asked

"Oh nothing...I just woke up and
uh I heard you both yelling so I
went here to check you both just
to find out y-you-...You did it again"
I said and smiled ,a sad and fake

"I'm going to leave...but I'll visit
Peter whenever I want" I heard
pops says...No I don't like this
I just want them both with me

"N-no steve please dont leave- Im
sorry...God I was drunk and I just
Im really sorry Steve please-" Dad
covered his face with his palm

"stay" Dad said and Pops groaned
"I don't like this anymore Stark , I'm
tired of crying whenever we fight I'm
tired of you cheating on me" Pops
said , They both started arguing again

They keep yelling and My ears started
to hurt , I fell on the floor crying and
covering both my ears "Stop...Stop
...please stop...I don't like this...stop"
I whispered while crying

I took the phone which was on my
pocket and looked for any Avengers'
numbers , I just need someone...
someone to stop them ...I clicked
Aunt Nat's number and called her
I couldn't talk but Im sure she was
able to hear Dad and Pops yelling

"Dad..." I said but they both Ignored
me , I took a deep breath and tried
again "Dad!" I yelled and they both
looked at me "what?" their faces
were red and they're both angry...




"Is going on"

I heard four different familiar voices
and I frowned and Looked at the door
just to see Bucky , Aunt Nat , Clint
and Wanda with worried faces

"A-Aunt Nat" I said and stood up and
hugged her tightly while crying , she's
like a mother to me since I have two
dads , She's the only one who knows
it when Im lying , she's the only one
who notices it when I'm sad or

"I'm here now ,Its ok Peter...Its ok
now , don't cry " She whispered and
kissed my forehead I just continued
sobbing until she calmed me down


No one's pov

Peter went back to his room with
Clint and Wanda , The two made
sure to let the kid rest after experiencing sensory overload

While Both Natasha and Bucky are
talking to Steve and Tony...more like...scolding the two

"y-you cheated on me again..Its just..
you  keep repeating the same mistake" Steve said while crying

"Steve...I'm so sorry... I was drunk
I wasn't thinking straight-" Tony
said But Steve cut him off

"I-I've lost my trust on you stark...
don't waste your time..." Steve said
and looked away from his husband

"Steve...I cheated on you before
and you still accepted me...I promised
I'll never do it again...because I love
you Steve" Tony said and kneeled
infront of him

"...That girl made me dizzy and when I woke up both my watch and Wallet are gone... please believe me " Tony begged while kneeling infront of his husband

"T-Tony..." Steve frowned while looking
at Tony ... Thinking if he should accept
his apology and let everything be normal again or..not

"...Is it even worth it to try again..."
Steve whispered while staring at
Tony , Tony's eyes widened , Steve
really don't trust him anymore , He
doesn't even know if forgiving him
is worth it...Tony cried while holding
Steve's hand and wiped his eyes

"Ok then..." Stark said and stood up
Natasha gasped and Bucky stared
at him , Steve this the
end of their relationship? He don't
want that...

Tony wiped his cheeks and sniffled
"Im gonna do everything to gain your
trust on me again... I'm not giving up
on you Rogers" Tony grinned , Steve

"can I get a kiss?" Tony teased Steve

"We're not even dating" Steve said

"let's date then" Tony said smirking

"You're not going to give up are you?"

"I'm not giving up on you Rogers!"
Tony grinned and winked at Steve


Peter's pov

I woke up and yawned... where's
dad? where's pops? Was it a dream?
I heard voices and I looked up and
saw Cint and Wanda , I smiled

"Hey guys...why are you here" I said
"Natasha and Bucky are talking to
your parents and we both decided
to stay with you while you're sleeping"
Clint explained

"Oh my god, it wasn't a dream?!" I
gasped and the two looked at me
weirdly "My dad , Did they? fight?
were they yelling when you arrived?"
I asked and he nodded

"Yeah we saw you on the ground
crying while your dads are yelling
I'm sure Nat's scolding them right
now" Wanda giggled and I nodded

"Hey Pete" The door opened and
Pops entered the room , Dad did
too and they sat next to me

"Uh hey underoos...I uhm... sorry
for everything... I'm really sorry"
Dad said while looking down , I
smiled "It's ok...are you two uhm.."
I said while smiling sadly

Dad sighed "Steve said he'll stay
Though I need to start courtshipping
him again..." Dad said and winked
at pops

No one's pov

"I...have a letter...a chocolate and
some flowers..." Tony said and handed
steve the Things he bought , Steve
chuckled and cupped Tony's face

"you do know I already forgave you
right?...You don't have to do this
every week Stark..." Steve said and
kissed Tony's cheek even tho steve told him that he trust him he still buys his husband a chocolate or flowers and gives him a letter

"I'll do this forever Steve you can't
stop me" Tony smirked and kissed
Steve , Steve chuckled but kissed

The end


Oh my Lord HAHAHA what am I doing with my life , it's 2:30 am
Right now and I wrote 1150+

we got 13k reads and 600+ votes!
*Claps for myself because no one
Will* jk anyways thank you so much


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