Sorry | Family day ?

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sorry but I won't continue the
"That time flash almost died "
Anymore, it's just that it makes me cringe ,though I'll still continue this one shot ,here's a depressing short chapter

Warning - Depressed Peter , Half of the Avengers being stupid

Also Aunt may is alive XD lmao , people keeps Killing her in every Iron dad oneshots.

Peter was depressed , Alone and tired
The Avengers has been ignoring him well half of them , Only Natasha, Clint
Bucky and Bruce talks to him the rest were too busy admiring the new intern of Tony Stark .

Flash's bullying got worst everyday .
Ned's sick and has been absent for a week and Mj...well she's still Mj
Aunt May was too busy with work
Peter was lonely

"Ok everyone the school decided to have a family day on friday for all the students ,you can bring your Parents , Guardians Anyone you want as long as they are your family" the teacher said and with that she let everyone leave the classroom , peter lazily stood up
But Flash stopped him

"So, who are you going to bring with you penis? Ooops my bad , I forgot you don't have a family-....oh wait you have an aunt who probably doesn't want to have a family day with you" Flash Smirked as he saw Peter's eyes widen

Peter went home and saw aunt may on the couch he greeted her with fake enthusiasm "hey Aunt May!" May looked at him with a smile "how was school?" She asked "well's ok" Peter lied he doesn't want her to worry
"I might get home late on Friday "
She said ,Peter frowned "o-ok then"
he kept quiet about the family day

time skip

Peter was sitting with Ned and Mj
"So who are you going to take with you?" Ned asked Mj nodded peter sighed "no one" he said "what!? How about your Aunt?" The two asked
"She can't, she's busy with work"
Peter explained ned frowned
"Avengers?" Mj suggested , Peter suddenly became sad "don't wanna bother them, I'm just gonna stay at home" peter said and the bell rang
he didn't knew Mj was planning something

Family day
Peter was peacefully sleeping
Aunt May left early for work
While peter was enjoying his
sleep someone kicked the door
Peter jumped from the bed and
Fell on the floor

"Holy guacamole-....Aunt Nat!?
Why are you here" his eyes widened
and saw Clint standing next to the broken door , peter stood up with a smile he loves these two but his smile fell when he saw Tony

"Why is he here!?" Peter whispered yelled at aunt Nat who had a frown and Clint with a slight guilt

"Kid you know I can hear you"
Tony said and Peter glared at him
" I have a name and it's Peter, now why are you here?" Peter said and Tony sighed "listen...I know you're mad at me , Pete I'm-" "Peter" Peter corrected him but Tony continued "I'm sorry for being stupid , You're a kind person
I shouldn't have ignored you just
Because of that new intern , The tower sucks without you , also Bucky won't stop giving me death glares while you were gone and Bruce has been avoiding me, Peter I want you to know that you're kind and important to us I
Shouldn't have ignored you , I love you we all do" Peter was crying he thought he was not important to Tony, he didn't even think twice before hugging Tony tightly

after the drama between the  two , Clint reminded them why they came
"uh but what about the Family day?" he said "do you still wanna go? with us , if...if thats alright to you I mean if you dont think of us as your family-" Tony started rambling and peter chuckled "ofcourse I want! though were late" Peter said and quickly changed clothes

Peter Arrived their school with 3 Avengers , all the eyes and attention were on him , Ned was fanboying and Mj was smirking and waved at Natasha " guys know each other ?" Peter said while pointing at Natasha and Mj they both chuckled "well yeah , I mean im the one who told them about the family day" Mj explained and Peter gasped and thanked her . And flash's reaction was priceless . the avengers swear to never leave their lil spider

Hope y'all enjoyed

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