take a break tony

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"Take a break" pepper said while preparing the food

"I am on my way" tony yelled while fixing his suit

"There's a little surprise before supper and it cannot wait"  Pepper said as she open the door to see tony

"I'll be there in just a minute, save my plate" Tony said while holding a screw driver

"Tony" Pepper sighed 

"okay, okay" tony chuckled and stood from his seat

"Your son is nine years old today
He has something he'd like to say
He's been practicing all day" Pepper smiled and peter came in holding a paper

"Peter , take it away" pepper said letting peter start

"Daddy, daddy, look
My name is Peter
I am a spider, I wrote this poem just to show it And I just turned nine
You can make suits but please don't take  mine" Peter was kinda nervous but soon he started gathering some confidence and continued with a grin

"I practice Russian and prank the others with uncle Barton! ,I have 2 Aunties , and some stupid uncles !"

"okay!" Tony and Clint chuckled , Steve gasped and Bucky shook his head while smiling Sam was making a fake hurt expression

"My daddy's trying to keep New York safe  Un deux trois quatre cinq!" Peter finished with a huge smile

"bravo!" Tony exclaimed and hugged peter and pepper


If you don't understand this, then search "Hamilton- Take a break " on YouTube and listen to it ^^ and yes I love musical ♡  and here's the original lyrics from Hamilton the musical

Take a break

I am on my way

There's a little surprise before supper and it cannot wait

I'll be there in just a minute, save my plate


(okay, okay)

Your son is nine years old today
He has something he'd like to say
He's been practicing all day
Philip, take it away

Daddy, daddy, look
My name is Philip
I am a poet, I wrote this poem jus to show it
And I just turned nine
You can write rhymes but you can't write mine

I practice French and play piano with my mother
I have a sister, but I want a little brother


My daddy's trying to start America's bank
Un deux trois quatre cinq


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