The Presidents Daughter

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There's a lot of cool things that happen when you win the Stanley Cup. You can drink beer out of it, you take it to the streets and show it to all the fans. Then you get to bring the trophy home and be the hometown hero. You can bring it to the rink you grew up in and show everyone just how far you've come.

But one of the coolest thing about winning the cup is getting recognized by the president. Being an American born player this means a lot to me, to be thanked by the man who runs this country of mine, it's incredible. Not a lot of the guys on the team get it, with most of them being Canadian and all, but I always loved coming to the Whitehouse and getting to talk to the man in charge.

So I pull on my best suit this early November morning. We had flown out of Chicago late last night to get here in time to see the president today, but he was a busy man. We couldn't even see him until almost a half a year after we won it all in the lockout shortened season, but it was always worth the wait. He always treated us like first class citizens and had the best things to say about our team. With him growing up in Chicago and his wife being born there we were his favorite hockey team, and between him and I, I was his favorite player. Or so he said last time we were here in 2010.

"Alright boys, lets go" I cheer loudly as we walk onto the bus. I take a seat near the front so I can get off first and be first in line to see the President again.

"I wish you were this excited about practice" my dear captain Jonathan chirps as he sits behind me. I turn to him knowing that it was all too easy to get under his skin.

"I would be if you were even the slightest more interesting" I quip as he just rolls his eyes.

"Out of everyone in the league, it's you I get stuck with" he mumbles.

"You were the one who wanted to room with me rookie year" I remind him.

"Yeah... because I didn't know any better" he claims. I flip him a bird and he kindly returns the favor. I swear there is no relationship like his and I's. I'm just not sure if that's a good thing or not.

We arrive at the Whitehouse and get greeted by a heavy amount of security. Once we get patted down and make it through the metal detectors and the second wave of security we finally make it inside. We get a little tour of the commons area before we get lined up to do the press conference and hang out with the president. Back in 2010 we didn't get to do all of this, we were rushed and didn't know what to say or to expect. But this group of guys were a little more experienced and a lot less nervous about meeting the man who claims he's a big fan of us.

We get into the room where the press conference will be held and I see all the media sitting there waiting to hear what the president had to say this time. So we wait a while to figure out where everyone was supposed to be. I look around and try to see if I knew any of these people, but I didn't really. I recognized a few people who are reporters from Chicago or the NHL, but the rest I've never seen before in my life. Nothing really stuck out that much... that is until I see her.

After scanning the room I find a beautiful young girl standing in the corner all by herself. She had on this sexy red and black dress that was modest but still showed off her curves. Her skin the color of milk chocolate and her hair set in perfect black spirals falling down her back. Like what you imagined the waves of the Black Sea is supposed to look like. Her eyes were the color of a caramel apple and her lips the color of the reddest cherry in the world. She seemed excited to be here as she looked around the room. Her sexy lips pulled tight revealing a perfect smile as she watches us guys try to figure out where to go. She wasn't with media and she wasn't with us, so I wasn't sure who she was. She looked very familiar although I couldn't quite put my finger on it. But everything in me wanted to figure it out.

Suddenly her eyes stop scoping out the room as they meet mine. She shows off a sexy smile once we had been looking at each other for a while, trying to get familiar with one another. She tucks a long curl behind her ear as she adverts her eyes from mine. She didn't have credentials or a camera or anything, she was just kinda... here. But I keep my stare on her as I try to figure her out. It feels like everything stops as we try to get familiar with each other from across the room.

"Ohhh look at you being all heart eyed. Are you gonna talk to her" someone asks and I turn to the side. I see the less cooler Patrick standing there smiling at me.

"Why? You wanna take my spot in the stands next to the president" I tease.

"I mean, I have the letter so I technically should be in your spot" he claims.

"But I won MVP" I smirk as he lets out a moan.

"Never gonna hear the end of that one" he claims as he walks away.

I turn back to the girl as she stood there by herself. Suddenly something inside me snaps and my feet start moving. Whatever it is was strong and I couldn't stop it. So I decide to follow my heart and walk over to the girl. I don't know if this was the best idea, getting out of line with the president just to talk to this mysterious beauty. But I couldn't stop myself, even if I wanted to.

I finally reach her and neither of us say anything right away. I just look into her eyes as she looks back in mine. I feel this connection to her, like something drawn us together and we were supposed to meet right here, right now.

"Hey. I just came over here to say... to say that you are very beautiful. Like drop dead gorgeous. And I thought that you should know" I stutter. That went a lot smoother in my head. But instead of making me feel like a idiot she smiles big my way.

"Thank you, Patrick" she says and my eyes go big.

"Wait... you know who I am" I question as she starts to giggle at me. It was honestly one of the most beautiful sounds in the world.

"You are Patrick Kane the Second of Buffalo, New York. You started playing hockey as a center because you got more use of the ice but switched to right wing to go with your left handed shot. You were drafted first overall in 2007 by the Chicago Blackhawks, rookie of the year in 2008 and Stanley cup champion in 2010 and 2013" she says. I kinda stand there shocked for I've never met a woman who was able to list off my stats like that.

"Wow... I'm quite impressed. You know your stuff" I admit.

"I am originally from Chicago, so I know a lot of things regarding you and your team" she tells me.

"And what are you doing here, because I highly doubt going through all of that security is the easiest way to meet your favorite hockey players" I say.

"I didn't have to go through that security. I live here" she explains. It takes me a second before I finally connect the dots. My eyes go big as I let out a very dramatic gasp.

"Oh my god. You're the presidents daughter" I whisper.

"I'm Aaliyah Obama" she says as she sticks her hand out. I softly grab her hand and shake it before pulling her closer. She ends up right in front of me as she stares at me.

We just sit there until I hear someone clear their throat. We break apart and I see the 44th president of the United States standing there with a grin on his face.

"Not to interrupt... whatever was just happening. But the presser is starting and I had to find my daughter who snuck away to come find her favorite sports team" he explains.

"Sorry daddy" she says as she walks over to him. He wraps his arm around her as he smiles down at her.

"It's alright. I forget how much you're like me and like to follow you're heart. Just wish you would let me know where you're going too" he insists.

"Well that's no fun" she smirks.

"It's nice to see you again Patrick" he says as he turns to me with that famous smile. His daughter had one just like it.

"You too Mr. President" I insist.

"Please, call me Barack" he winks.

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