Curious Demon

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Felix's POV:

She looked so small and frail when I first saw her in Eli's arms when he first brought her here. Even now when I look at her sitting there, she looks so fragile and weak. But what do you expect from a human girl, her emotions are running wild as I tried to focus on the many guests starting to come in. But it's hard to concentrate when I know how frightened she is, and Crow and Emily aren't making it any better as I kept overhearing their arguments towards one another...

"Why can't they argue somewhere else?"

I said in annoyance as I turned to face Luna. Though I was surprised when she made contact with me, and although she was wearing her blindfold. I knew she was staring directly at me with how tense her shoulders have gotten. She wanted help and I didn't want to get in between her problems, however, her emotions were already my problems. So if helping her will give her a sense of relief. Then maybe I could have some peace and quiet...

But when I finally decided to try and help her, I felt a strong presence coming toward us! And this aura could only be from the King himself. I'm surprised that he didn't make a grand entrance like he usually does. He's always the last one to come to these feasts, but for some strange reason, he decided to come early? That's a first...

Averting my gaze, I look up the stairs, and to no surprise, it was Elijah himself coming down the steps. However, his stare was locked on Luna the whole time, looking back at her, I saw that she too was staring back at him as well. Just what is their relationship? Because of what I feel from Luna, she holds nothing but hate and disgust for him. But yet, I feel this other emotion of passion and... something else I just couldn't word out. I've known for a while that Elijah has had this deep connection with her ever since he came back home. But why did he decide to bring her here? Doesn't he know that she will only hate him more?

"My Lord Felix, it's been too long..."

A woman suddenly came up to me and she placed her hand against my chest. If I remember correctly, she's one of the witches that used to work here long ago, what was her name again?

"Surely you remember me don't you, it's me, Lily..."

She explained with a flirtatious smirk as she pressed her body close to mine, the lace dress that she wore was very visible and I could see every part of her naked body...

"Of course, how can I forget. Your family has served us for many years, Lily."

I responded with a relaxed smile as I went back to look at Luna. She was feeling relieved but I could still sense her uneasiness as she just sat there. Elijah, on the other hand, has walked up to her and leaned himself closer to her. I'm not sure what he was saying, but it only made Luna feel frightened...

"My lord, I know that tonight's celebration is important. And that we all must present our offerings to the King's family, but how about we both go somewhere private and have some fun, just like the old days."

Lily offered as she brushed both her breasts against my chest. Paying little attention to her actions, I watched carefully as Eli began to walk away from Luna. Shortly after, Crow and Emily followed behind him...

"As much as I would enjoy myself being with you, I'm afraid I won't be able to tonight. Besides, my body isn't exactly how it used to be 200 years ago. So why don't you find someone else's cock to suck."

I voiced out kindly without even looking at her reaction. Shrugging her off, I began to walk toward my siblings who were already standing together in a row. The room has gone silent as I stood next to Elijah. But I couldn't help but stare over Luna each time I felt a heavy emotion come over me because of her thoughts that I can sense. However, even with that blindfold on, I knew that her eyes were dead set on Elijah as he looked at the many guests in front of us. He looks irritated this time with how he was looking at them. I wonder how many he will kill this time?

His Demonic Possession: Demonic Series (Book 1) ✓Where stories live. Discover now