Painful Memories

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Luna's POV:

"Thanks, guys, for coming today. It means a lot and I know you guys have somewhat of a complex past with Danny. But I appreciate you all coming, it's been hard on Danny's family lately. Ever since the police gave up on the investigation of his whereabouts, the family has been very heartbroken..."

Eric explained as he grabbed Alexa's hand in heavy sorrow.

"No problem, I may have had my issues with the guy. But the least I could do is pay my respects to him..."

Ren responded as he continued to look at Danny's grave, but I couldn't bring myself to say anything other than to stay silent. There's not much can I say, I didn't know Danny at all, other than what he told me in the past and what he almost did to me. So I rather stay quiet as all I could hear was the cold winds starting to pick up. Staring up at the trees that were full of orange leaves, they were slowly falling off, one by one with the heavy breeze. I watched as the leaves began to twirl with the wind and saw how each leaf was dancing freely into the sky as it was being carried away by air.

My eyes kept following a certain leaf until it finally hit the ground, however, it landed next to someone's boot!? Looking to see who the person was, I noticed that he was facing the other direction so I couldn't get a clear image of his face. Though from this distance, I could tell that he was very tall. The whole outfit that he wore was black and I could faintly see a tattoo around the back of his neck. I've never seen a person like him around here, this is a small town and I would think I would be able to recognize him. But then again, maybe he's visiting family or friends here...I wonder what grave he's looking at?

"Hey Luna, are you ready to get going?"

Ren suddenly asked as he placed his hand over my shoulder, averting my eyes away from the guy in black. I looked up to see Ren giving me a calming smile...

"Oh, yeah...yeah. I'm ready to leave."

I quickly responded as he reached for my hand, gripping his hold we began walking back to our car. Though with every step I took, I couldn't get that image of that guy out of my head for some strange reason. Turning my head back out of curiosity, I was confused when I saw the cemetery empty! The man was no longer there! Where did he go, can someone walk away that fast in just a blink of an eye?!

"Ren, I'm sorry, but can you go on ahead...I actually wanna stay here for a little while longer."

I said while lightly pulling my hand back...

"Really? Are you sure?"

He asked with a concerned look...

"Yes, I'll be fine. It's not like a zombie is gonna come out and eat me. I'll meet you back in the car, okay."

I jokingly said while planting a kiss on his cheek, with Ren agreeing, I watched him walk back with the others. I waited until he was out of sight that I started to walk to where I saw the guy standing earlier. Coming to a halt, I saw a bright blue flower laying on a gravestone! It was such a beautiful color, I didn't know these flowers even existed in this world!? Ever since I started to work at the flower shop with Ren, I've come to learn all the different types of flowers. However, I have never seen one like this before, I couldn't help myself from picking it up and admiring its beauty of it...

It was so stunning, yet it had no scent. I was so distracted by the flower that I almost forgot why I came here, so I went ahead to place it back down on the stone plaque. I notice that a few leaves were covering some of the writing, naturally, I moved them to the side until I was able to see the writing...and that's when my heart came to a stop the moment I read whose gravestone this was!

His Demonic Possession: Demonic Series (Book 1) ✓Where stories live. Discover now