Hurtful Farewell

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Luna's POV:

It's been two months since Elijah has gone missing, without hearing his voice, without feeling his touch. It's like everything isn't real, but I find myself wanting to slowly disappear from this pain that I'm in. I've grown tired of crying to sleep every night, to wake up in cold sweat from the horrible nightmares that I've constantly been having. I don't know how much more I can handle these negative emotions that were eating away at me, these thoughts running through my mind... so many questions that needed to be answered. Eli, where did you go?

As I sat there on my bed, I began to overthink everything that I said that might've made Elijah leave. It sounds almost ridiculous to think that I was the reason for his disappearance, however, I can't help but think it's my fault...

"What if...he never loved me?"

I quietly said before looking at the ring I still wore, the image of the beautiful lights could be seen glowing so brightly. The luminous colors were making me want to cry again, this ring was the only thing left from him. It was the only source of comfort that I had...but even so, I still feel like I'm breaking.

" did love me...he told me that he did. But then why? Why did he leave me," I whispered in depressing a sigh.

I didn't want to think of the worst-case scenario, that something horrible had happened to him! I refuse to look at the news or even listen to the radio nowadays, my mind isn't cable of handling any bad news at the moment. My body suddenly jolted at the sound of someone knocking at my door! Thinking it was my mother, I slowly took the little energy I had to get up from my bed and make my way to the door. Opening the door slightly, I was taken off guard and surprised to see their familiar faces that I haven't seen in a while! They both held a worried look in their eyes, yet held a bitter-sweet smile...

"What are you guys doing here? I told my parents I didn't want to talk or see anybody right now..." I voiced out at Ren and Alexa with a tired-like expression before heading back to bed.

"Seriously! Is that how your gonna be!? I haven't seen you in weeks, you haven't been taking any of my calls or texts! Do you have any idea how worried I've been?! You've completely stopped going to school and your mother has even told me that you're not even eating as much anymore!"

Alexa spoke out her feelings in worry as she pulled the sheets away from me! She was clearly angry and concerned for my well-being, but I don't care. I don't want to talk with anybody, I just want to be left alone! Averting my gaze from her, I looked back at Ren who was just standing there in silence.

"Can you guys just leave...I wanna be alone right now." I said to both of them as I tugged the sheets back from Alexa's grip.

"How can we leave you alone? Luna, look at yourself! You've lost so much weight and it's not healthy for you to be locked up in your room every day. You need to come back to school already, believe it or not, a lot of your classmates miss you. As well as our teachers, so, please... Luna, come back to school. You don't need to talk with anybody, we just want you to get out of this depression that you're in. I just want you to come back...I want my best friend back...I want the happy goofy Luna that I love to come back...I'm so worried and scared for, please..."

Watching Alexa beg as she cried, I felt almost guilty that I was hurting the people I love. I'm becoming so selfish, even my mother had to take a few days out of work to watch over me. I hate this pain that I'm in, this heart of mine that's completely damaged...

"Alexa, I'm sorry...but I can't... I'm not ready to go back to school. I just want to be left alone still, so please....can you just leave?"

I said in an unsettling tone, my vision was starting to become hazy as I watched her look at me with a hurtful expression. Her eyes were filled with heavy tears as she quickly left my room without saying goodbye. It only made me feel more horrible...this is why I didn't want to see anybody! How can I face my friends without hurting them, I'm not in the right state of mind to be around people at the moment! I needed to be left alone, I can't deal with other people's emotions when I can hardly handle my own!

His Demonic Possession: Demonic Series (Book 1) ✓Where stories live. Discover now