Dentist (hallohellohola)

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"You are doing so good!" I encouraged, finally pulling out the kid's tooth. I'd done that a lot this trip, being the only paediatric dentist. We were volunteering in Africa, and it was honestly a dream come true.

"Here is a toothbrush and some toothpaste, keep that gauze in okay?"

The mum nodded and they both left, the group leader coming through my curtain.

"Sophie, this is Ashton. He's gonna be helping you since you were struggling a little,"

"Thankyou," I smiled, watching as an insanely cute guy walked in and sat beside the chair.

"I'm Ashton," he giggled.

"I know,"

"Oh yeah, sorry," he dismissed, "You're the only kids one here?"

"Yep, pretty hard because most of them are terrified,"

"There's a big queue so we'd better get started,"

I nodded and we stood up, letting the next person into our small space. It was a little boy, and his baby sister.

"Hello, what's your name?" he asked, putting a bib round the boy.


"Well it's nice to meet you, I'm Ashton and this is Sophie. She's really lovely I promise,"

I blushed and grabbed my own mirror, moving to the baby sister and tickling her chin. Her mum shushed her as I checked her few teeth, adding some fluoride as Ashton talked to Taj.

"Have you got any teeth that hurt?"

He shook his head, his mum sighing.

"There's something wrong, but I don't know what,"

"That's what we are here for ay?" I laughed, "Ashton's gonna have a look with his mirror,"

I kept my hand under his chin so Ash could see, clearly seeing a cavity without using the tools. He whined as Ashton presses the tooth, showing us quite a deep cavity.

"Okay, we're gonna put your tooth to sleep," he said, starting to prepare a needle.

I couldn't help but watch how he acted towards the kids, because it was adorable. He was so softly spoken, and gentle and I made a mental note to ask him to check my teeth. My wisdom teeth were painful, and I wasn't going home for a month.

"You are so brave," I praised, "Ashton and I are gonna fix that poorly tooth,"

"Asleep?" he asked.

"I hope so,"

He opened his mouth and I double checked it was numb, grabbing the mirror and suction. Ashton got the drill and nodded, meaning I could pull his cheeks back and help with the filling.

Thankfully, he stayed still and it went relatively easy.

And I was pleasantly surprised when the whole day ran like that.

"And we are done," Ashton sighed, taking his gloves off, "you okay?"

"Yeah, I guess... I know you're tired and just arrived but I was hoping you could take a look at my wisdom teeth. I don't get back for a month and they're hurting so much,"

"Of course, take a seat," he smiled, "I'm not promising I can do anything,"

I nodded and sat on the chair, fiddling with the sleeve of my coat.

"It's okay," he assured, "I know what I'm doing,"


"Let's just do this,"

I opened my mouth and he rolled over, carefully placing the tools in my mouth. Delicately, he checked all my teeth before starting to inspect the wisdom teeth more closely.

I winced, feeling him start to prod.

"Sorry, I'm just trying to work out how it's growing. Just take deep breaths,"

I hummed and closed my eyes, feeling him take the tools out.

"I'm gonna be honest Sophie, it would be best if I took them out right now. I could take over a couple of days while you recover,"

"You can do it?"

"It's your choice,"

"Please, they're driving me crazy," I sighed, "but be careful because I know how much numbing I need and I already feel sick,"

"Hey, hey, don't worry about it,"

"How many?"

"I'm not telling you," he chuckled, "I can get through this quick if you let me,"

My lip started quivering, Ashton preparing the needles. It was always me weakness.

"Sophie," he said, "I'm not that scary,"

"It's not you,"

I started crying, wiping my tears but more coming straight after. I felt ashamed, but more terrified than I'd ever felt before. We were away from home, and I'd know him a day.

"Just do it," I sobbed, opening my mouth. He shushed me and pulled back my cheek, carefully inserting the first needle. He must've done that three times before changing corner.

"Sophie, hey, hey, Sophie," he said, not stopping, "watch my eyes okay? Watch them because I'm not panicked,"

The pain in my mouth was overwhelming, as well as the mix of tingling and numbness.

"All done," he soothed, wiping my tears.

"I'm sorry,"

"Don't, I'm gonna start okay?"

I nodded and took a deep breath, getting comfy on the chair.

"It must be pretty cool coming out here for two months, but I also bet you can't wait to get back home," he chuckled.

"My mum was really happy when I got sent out here, because we never really traveled when we were younger,"

I twiddled my thumbs, feeling the first tooth come out.

"I'm slowly getting more money save too, because I really want to take my family away,"

I appreciated him talking, because I was distracted.

"My sister is in uni, I don't know if you have siblings though,"

I hummed and he chuckled, stitching up the two gaps he'd made.

"You don't sound too impressed,"

A good time later, he got me to bite down and grabbed some ice from the freezer, letting me hold it to my cheek.

"Come by everyday to make sure I can clean it, being away from home and everything, but you're done,"

"Than,"- "Don't talk,"

I nodded and stood up, smiling as best as possible. We cleaned up and he wrapped his arm round me, taking me back to our camp.

"I think I'm bunking up with you,"

He helped me get ready for bed, my face swollen and head hurting.

"You'll be okay soon,"


"And that cleared up nicely," he assured, "I can't believe we are leaving today,"

"It's been fun though,"

He helped me off the chair, holding my waist and kissing me.

"We should do it next year,"


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