Chapter 47: Unspoken Words

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Song: Can't Help Falling In Love - Elvis Presley

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Chance's POV:

Ok but how fucking hot does Chance/Stephen look in that photo!!!! Ok bye enjoy the chapter xx

"Fuck! Hope!" I grunted, giving my few last good thrusts into her until I exploded into the condom. She let out a cry and fell face first into the pillow, her pretty ass stuck up in the air.

I pulled out of her slowly, my breathing erratic as I leant back onto my heels and rolled to the side. I pulled the used condom off and tied it, throwing it across the room.

It landed perfectly in my trash can.

"Nice." Hope smiled lazily as I grinned, sliding in next to her and pulling her flat against my chest. I reached down and pulled the covers up to cover us both.

She sighed happily in content as I drew a breath from her by giving her a small squeeze, treating her like a personalized stuffed toy.

A few minutes later of us just laying there, basking in each other's warmth, I heard Hope's breathing begin to even out.

I waited for a moment, knowing that she was now officially asleep.

My mind began to think back to the past week.

We were non stop fucking.

At any chance we got she'd have her pants ripped open and my cock inside of her.

We did it everywhere.

Kitchen, bedroom, lounge room, bathroom, pool. Hell even when we went out to the store, we ended up fucking in a unisex toilet.

But not only was that in my mind, but what I had said to Hope when she had fallen asleep.

What I had admitted out loud.

I loved her.

I love her.

At first when I said it I was shit scared she'd shoot up and stare at me, but she didn't. She stayed still which further stated that she was in fact asleep and hadn't heard my embarrassing confession.

But I'd be lying if I said that I didn't want to tell her how much I love her every single day.

Whenever I wake up with her I want to tell her how much she means to me, how much I love her and every fiber of her being.

But I can't.

I know I'll scare her away.

She's finally opened up literally to me, I'm not about to make her shut down again. So I'm planning on waiting at least another few months or so to admit to her when she's awake how much I love her.

So, instead every night I wait for her to fall asleep and then I say out loud 'I love you' to Hope. I had been doing it for the last week.

My stomach began to swarm just thinking about it, my skin sweaty still as Hope's breathing was heavy.

"You're so good at that." She whispered, her voice tired.

I just chuckled, pulling her closer to me and kissing the top of her dark head.

"I know." I replied cheekily. She looked up at me with a glare and I just laughed.

"Don't get too cocky there, mister." She warned, smacking my bare chest lightly as a rumble erupted in my chest.

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