Chapter 11: Ice Skating Fails

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Song: Frozen - PON CHO ft Paige IV

Chance's POV:

"Do you need help with those?" A gentle voice filled my ears. I looked up, my eyes meeting her icy blue ones. I looked back down at my skates and back up at her. I let out a grunt.

"I'm fine." I retorted, once again attempting to tie up my skates as I wore my gloves. When I kept struggling, a growl soon emitted from my throat and I slammed my back against the seat.

Hope slightly jumped at my aggressive outbreak as a few other people looked sideways at me. I didn't give a fuck about their opinions, I just cared about hers.

"Sorry." I muttered, rubbing my back and looking back up at her.

She smirked, clicking her tongue a few times on the roof of her mouth as she raised her eyebrow while flicking her finger upwards. I sighed, raising my foot slightly. I gave into defeat as she let out a giggle.

She soon bent down until she was on one knee and her leg was slightly propped up. She reached down and took her gloves off, handing them for me to hold. I took them and looked down at them.

Small pink and white gloves that had the print '1D' patterned over them. They were pretty small, I don't reckon I would be able to fit all of my fingers into them. I raised my eyebrow at her as she looked back up at me.

"I got them as a gift ages ago, Toby bought them for me. Don't judge me, they're the only pair of gloves that actually keep my hands warm that I own." She laughed as I chuckled, holding onto them in my black gloved hands.

"You know, if you wanted to be able to tie your shoes then you would have taken off your gloves." She huffed once she was finished tying my first boot, I put that foot down and raised the other as she switched to the next.

She looked up at me once again, but this time it was through her lashes.

"You're just a stubborn boy." She giggled as I rolled my eyes.

"I'm a man, and don't forget it sweetheart." My voice deep as I rumbled. Hope just laughed as I smiled down at her.

Once she was finished tying both boots, I helped her up and thanked her. Soon handing her, her gloves back.

She thanked me and put them both on.

"So how good are you at ice skating?" She asked, grabbing ahold of my arm as she began walking like a penguin towards the skating rink.

My heart was beating fast as I peered out at the ice. I didn't want to back out and say I didn't know how to skate because I really wanted to spend time with her. I also didn't want to fall flat on my ass and have the potential to break the ice and embarrass myself.

Or hurt her.

"I-Uh." I began, clearing my throat as we got to the entrance of the rink. It was a pretty quiet day, there was still quite a lot of people but Hope told me that there wasn't nearly as many as she remembered.

"Chance." She started, looking at me. "Have you even ice skated before?"

"Well, no." I replied bluntly.

"Chance! Why didn't you tell me? We could have done something different." Hope exclaimed, her eyes looking distressed placing a hand over her forehead and her lips into a flat line.

I leant against the rink wall as people either left or went in past us.

"Well, it can't be that hard now can it?" I said, cocking an eyebrow as Hope gave me a dumb look.

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