Chapter 70: First Day Of the Rest Of Our Lives

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Song: Curls - Bibio

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Hope's POV:

Also for some reason Wattpad is having a stroke and won't allow me to put an audio in the top so just go onto YouTube, Apple Music or Spotify and have the song ready!

"You look absolutely beautiful, Chance won't be able to compose himself once's he see's you walking down the aisle!" Sage said, tucking a curled strand of dark hair behind my ear.

A nervous butterfly-like feeling over filled my body as I smiled, turning around to look in the tall, slender shaped mirror, staring at a woman I've never seen before.

I stood in a beautiful white, long wedding gown, the sleeves clung gracefully around my mid arm. The top cupping my boobs so well and pushing them up into a deep cleavage. The dress was laced from head to toe in white, sparkly lace outlines of flowers.

My makeup was done into a soft, brown smokey eye, giving a classy look while my hair was pinned up with a diamond tiara like vail sitting atop my head. I was shocked to say the least.

My eyes drifted down to the large belly protruding from my wedding dress, I gently rubbed a hand over it, admiring what would soon to be mine and chances child, welcoming them into the world.

"How far along are you now? Surely you're going to pop any second." Amanda said, her ocean eyes staring at my stomach with a glint of concern. She looked up into my own and instantly relaxed when I had a smile on my face.

"I'm 38 weeks, still have a couple more to go. It's come so fast though." I said, turning back and staring at myself once again in the mirror.

Correction, staring at my stomach.

Who knew being pregnant could be so beautiful? Not only that but I've never felt as beautiful as I did before being pregnant, or maybe that's on the account of being in a gorgeous dress worth more than my car and a shit tonne of makeup I own.

Something about having a large belly and a little flint of life floating in between was absolutely amazing, I've never felt so honored to be a woman, to be able to bare and create such beautiful life.

"Are you nervous?" Sage asked, fixing her pastel purple dress around her waist, allowing what rumples had formed to disappear neatly.

I watched as Charlie did the same, letting Rachel finish the small touch ups she needed for her stunning makeup.

"I'm so nervous I feel like I'm going to vomit-or cry." I said, turning away from her and laughing, looking back into the mirror.

The girls being to laugh along with me, until a loud sob escaped my mouth.

Everyone's eyes snapped towards mine in distress.

"No!" "Why are you crying?" "Stop it your makeup was time consuming!" Everyone all yelled at the same time.

They two girls continued to babble, grabbing ahold of my arms and pulling me back to them in an attempt to comfort me as gently as possible.

"GET ME A DRY MAKEUP CLOTH, RIGHT NOW!" Rachel shrieked, immediately fleeing from a stunned Charlie.

Holding her hand out desperately as Toby scrambled for one out of her makeup set up, his pastel purple suit flaring behind him from the wind of his pace.

Mans was on a mission.

Tears began to run uncontrollably down my face and I snorted loudly, sucking phlegm back down my throat with zero shame.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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