Chapter 64: If You'll Have Me

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Song: Chances - Tree Giants

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Hope's POV:

"Hey gf, good to see you again." Amanda smiled whirling into the small room I sat in currently. I had just finished a phone call to a young girl who was threatening to hang herself.

My heart raced wildly yet I managed to convince her to put the rope up high and call someone to come get her. She's called her mother and I'm certain she's safe.

I hope at least.

"How's everything been?" She asked timidly, her bright blue eyes dulling.

"It's been... really hard." I blew out, running a hand over my tied back hair. It felt slick and full of oil and in need of desperate care and attention.

I need to wash it tonight.

"I mean I understand. Losing a friend so close to you and especially the way it had happened must've been so horrific. I can only imagine how you all just feel. Along with having to work a job like this! You must feel so defeated." Amanda said, a small frown on her face as she learn over the desk and wiped a tear I hadn't even noticed that fell from my cheek.

"I can't deny that I too felt sad for a while. I hadn't known Eli for very long but I did know this, he seemed full of life and craziness. And I know for a fact he's resting happily waiting for you all on the other side." She smiled and I just lightly smiled back.

"Now, it's your lunch break so get up. We're going to go out for lunch somewhere nice. I have a surprise for you too." She grinned and I cocked an eyebrow, yet complied.

Before I had gotten up, I gazed at the group photo that Cane had taken of us at a dinner party we had attended. I stared at Eli in-particularly hard. He had his fingers pulling his mouth apart, sticking his tongue out as Nieta sat beside him, poking her tongue out and putting up rabbit ears behind his head.

My lip trembled as Amanda gently grabbed my shoulder.

"I just don't understand, why Eli. He was so full of life and beautiful, he didn't deserve to die. It's always the perfectly good ones that go first." I shakily cried, my throat aching.

Amanda then pulled me into a hug and began to say.

"When you go to a garden, which certain types of flowers would you usually pick."

Confused and in a daze I pulled back, wiping a tear before replying.

"The most beautiful, eye-catching one's." I murmured softly.

She then smiled softly, making my heart ache as she spoke;

"That's exactly what God did here too."

"My baby!" Toby cries as soon as he saw me step into the once quiet restaurant. My eyes widened and I smiled happily as I was embraced in his arms.

A foreign feeling that made my chest fill up of warmness and love.

"I have missed you so much my dear. It's been so long since I've last seen you." Toby sulked, jutting his lips.

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