Chapter 40: Wedding Bells Breaking (Part 2)

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Song: I Hate Everything About You - Three Days Grace

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Chance's POV:

What had come out of my mouth made Hope's face  fall.



I felt as though my entire world had come crashing in on me, suffocating me with its hate. My mouth dried up and my body went numb.


This can't be happening.

She can't be here.

"Aren't you happy to see her?" Devon asked, his grin wide and sick.


"You have some nerve bring this skank along with you." Wesley growled, taking another threading step towards Devon.

If Devon was affected by Wesley's height and blazing, murderous eyes, then he was doing a good job of hiding it. He just smiled sickly back.

"Oh, but it's a wedding! People get married, families unite! Why not unite something once again?" Devon grinned.

Olivia's blue eyes board into my own grey ones, a sensual smirk appeared on her face as I watched Devon wrap his arm around her waist.

"How do you even know her?" Sage asked, anger apparent on her features.

"Because." Devon replied childishly.

"Because why?" I snapped.

Devon's gaze found my own, a cryptic smirk covering his face as he leant forward.

"Because, she's my girlfriend." He replied, his tone harsh and condescending.

My mind went blank as I struggled to breathe.

"She's told me lots about you, Chance King." Devon began, glancing at Hope and back at me. I let out a growl just for him looking at her.

He rolled his eyes.

"I told her about the wedding once I found out you were going. She told me everything I had to know about you. So why not bring her along! You know, for old times sake." He grinned, licking his lips.

"Chance." An angelic voice besides me spoke. I snapped my gaze down to Hope's, her icy eyes confused as she stared up at me.

"What's going on? Is this the girl who hurt you?" She asked, her voice becoming disgusted as her eyes ran up and down Olivia's barely appropriate dress.


"I'm Olivia, you must be Chance's new... thing." She spoke, her voice icy and smooth as she began extending her hand to Hope's.

Hope just stared at it, her gaze harsh as she held my hand tighter. Refusing to shake her hand all together, Olivia's smile faded.

Good girl.

"I'm sorry, you'll have to leave." Nick spoke, taking a step forward. He singled to some security guards who stood by the doors.

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