Chapter 13: Do You Remember Me?

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Song: Weight in Gold - Gallant

Chance POV:

I stared down at the phone that was currently being tightly gripped in my hands. I was in the middle of a lecture at my college and I was seated up towards the back. There wasn't too many people in here since it was a course in Forensic Phycology and everyone wanted to either do a major in Art or English here.

My professor was currently talking about Forensic Linguistics. I knew I should have been listening but I couldn't seem to stop staring down at the picture on my phone.

The picture of Hope and I.

We looked... happy.

I looked happy.

I mean I haven't felt this happy in a while if I'm being honest. When I'm with her I don't think about killing myself. I think about pretty much nothing and I zone in all my time and attention on her.

That's something I was never able to do with anyone, even her.

The woman who broke my fucking heart.

I needed to stop, no more thinking about her. She's in the past and you won't ever see her again.

I claimed my eyes shut and clenched my jaw so hard I thought it might have shattered. After a minute of heavy breathing and my professors voice in the back ground, I opened my eyes once again to he met with the photo.

I studied it hard.

Hope's cute little toothy smile being sent towards the camera. She was so small, coming up to barely my shoulder. Her small palm pressed against my heart as her cute little red nose was in view.

She had a thing for touching my heart.

She was so beautiful.

Then there was me, some big dude who had a huge grin on his face and his arm wrapped protectively around the small woman beside him.

I didn't recognize who he was, because he definitely wasn't me months ago.

"Mr King, is there something more interesting on your phone than this lecture?" My professor's voice boomed throughout the large room.

My eyes snapped up to his as I felt everyone's on myself. Waiting in anticipation for my next word or even sentence.

I stayed silent, staring harshly into his eyes as he stared back. My jaw clenched as I swallowed hard. I could tell he was getting uncomfortable which meant I was overpowering him.

"J-Just put your bloody phone down. You're spending a lot of money on this course so you might as well listen." His English accent snapped. I grunted, rolling my eyes. I glanced down once more to take in the picture before I turned off my phone and put it into my pocket not so quietly.

"Who was that on your phone? Your girl?" Some guy (I think his name was Dylan) said from beside me.

I looked over at him as his dark eyes stared at me, raising an eyebrow as I simply said nothing. Not because I was being rude but because I didn't know what to say.

"I-No." I finally got the words out, looking away from him.

"Well, you were studying that photo a lot harder than most of us even study this course." He chuckled. I huffed out in annoyance and looked back at him, sending him a 'what do you want' glare.

He closed his mouth quickly, sucking his lips in and quickly looking away from me. Once again, I grunted and grabbed ahold of my pen and opened up my blue book. Soon after I began listening to what my professor was actually saying.

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