Chapter 55: Little Town Of Horrors

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Song: Unwell - Matchbox Twenty

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Chance's POV:

"Are you excited for the races this weekend?" Eli asked, jumping in his seat excitedly. I gripped the steering wheel in my hand.

Wesley groaned as he leant his head against the car window. His phone is his hands as he was texting someone rapidly.

Ignoring Eli, I decided to ask Wesley;

"Who are you texting?"

He side glared me, his cheeks flaring up as he rolled his eyes.

"No one." He huffed.

"Who's Joseph?" Eli asked, his head tilted as he read the name from over Wesley's shoulder.

"Hey!" He growled, swatting his head away as Eli laughed.

"You can tell us ya know, we won't judge you." I chuckled, joining in with Eli to torture a flaming red Wesley.

"What was that guys name at the party again? Ian? Clark was it? Eli help me out here buddy." I snickered and Eli started laughing alongside.

"I think his name was Billy-."

"ENOUGH!" Wesley yelled.

Eli and I both paused for a moment, silence filling the car. We stayed like that until Wesley blew out a breath of relief and suddenly we both bursted out into laughter once again.

"You guys are unbearable." He sighed.

"Hey, honestly if you ever need anyone, Hope has a best friend named Toby. Remember him? You met him at the dinner. I reckon if you really got to know him you two would hit it off." I said, a smile on my face Wesley stayed silent, obviously refreshing his memory.

"Yea I'm sure they'd really hit it off." Eli snickered.

"Ok enough, seriously." Wesley grumbled.

"Oh! We should invite him and her other friends to the races this weekend!" Eli beamed.

"Yes, I'll ask." I replied, feeling Wesley burning the side of my head with his hot glare.

Wesley never liked speaking about his feelings nor did he like talking about his sexuality. I never knew he was even gay until I walked in on him by accident with some guy in his bedroom.

I shivered at the memory but focused on the road.

"We're nearly in town, not too much longer. Then we'll head over to Hope's and pick her up." I said.

"Thank god." Wesley grumbled and Eli beamed.

"Yay! I can't wait to get my hands on some of that sugar free yogurt." He exclaimed excitedly, rubbing his hands together.

"I don't know what's so amazing about that yogurt-."

"Sugar free yogurt." He corrected sternly.

I gripped the steering wheel tighter.

"I don't know what's so amazing about that sugar free yogurt." I growled through my teeth and Eli rolled his eyes.

"Of course you don't, you're too old." He chuckled.

"What!? I'm like a few years older than you!" I snapped.

"Yes, exactly. A few year older, which means you'll die before me. So who's really the superior one here grandpa?" He giggled and I rolled my eyes, forgetting the shabby haired idiot was 18.

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