Chapter 66: A Ring

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Song: Collision Course - Syrup

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Hopes POV:

Sage ended up giving birth 2 weeks earlier than expected. She gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby girl who her and Nick decided to call Eve.

Chance and I had just gotten home from visiting Sage in hospital where she would have to stay for the next 5 days. She ended up having a perineal tear while giving birth to Eve naturally. It was really bad too. In order to fix that, the doctors had to stitch her up and now they're monitoring both hers and her babies health.

Chance took a seat at the counter, pulling his phone out and scrolling through whichever app was on it. I looked at his lip, grimacing at the massive bruise and the swelling that was yet to go down.

After his and Wesley's fight in the kitchen of Nicks and Sage's home, we had to rush Chance to the hospital. We had no clue whether he had received a concussion.

Fortunately, he was fine but his lip not so much. It was slit wide open where his black lip ring I loved so much used to reside. A massive chunk of meat missing. They couldn't exactly stitch it up due to where it was is they glued it shut.

We've been extra careful kissing and all that since he's still in a lot of pain, but it does look a lot better.

"What are we thinking for dinner baby girl?" Chance asked, his eyes not lifting from his screen.

"Not sure, whatever is easiest for you to eat." I replied softly, waiting for him to look at me.

He did, those cold eyes piercing straight into my soul. He took my breath away, my mouth drying as I couldn't bring myself to break our staring contest.

"I told you, it doesn't matter I am fine. I'll eat whatever you wanna eat." He huffed, looking down again.

I grunted, rolling my eyes as I looked around in the cupboard. I found a taco mix box on the top shelf and instantly began craving them.


"I want your taco."

"Shut up idiot, I mean the Mexican food? Sound good?" I laughed shaking my head as he chuckled and nodded.

My heart swelled, I was so happy he was back to normal. Or what seemed like normal.

I began reaching for the kit when an awful pain hit me straight in my stomach. I gasped, instantly bringing my arm into my chest as my eyes clenched shut.

It almost felt as what a contraction was described to feel like.

"Baby, are you ok?" Chance asked, instantly up and by my side.

"Yea I'm fine, just had an awful stab in my stomach. Unlike anything I've ever felt before." I laughed.

"Period coming up?" He asked and I froze.

I can't remember the last time I got my period.

I began to sweat as I laughed it off.

There's no way.

"I don't remember the last time I got my period so I must be pretty close. Especially if my stomach is in this much pain. Must be a big one." I giggled, poking my tongue out as he grimaced.

"Or maybe you have a little baby king cooking in your oven-."

"Shut the fuck up." I snapped, my eyes harsh.

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