Chapter 10: Spilling Of The Tea

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Song: Out of my league - Fits and The Tantrums

Hope's POV:

Chance lead me outside of the restaurant by the small of my waist after he had paid. Of course, I put up a fight and offered to split it but he shut me down and paid for it all before I could even take out my debit card. I continued to thank him as he just laughed, telling me it was ok.

His laugh was so deep and beautiful.

"Drive home safe, yea?" Chance said, pulling me out of my daze. I looked up at him, his giant body towering over me.

I hadn't had the chance to reply as my eyes swam across all of his beautiful tattoos that were crawling up his neck and into his hairline.

I hope he never gets face tattoos, he looks handsome just the way he is.

"I'm not planning on getting face any face tattoos, but thanks for the compliment." His laugh conjured up through his chest and tumbled out of his mouth.

My face instantly lit up like a Christmas tree as I closed my eyes, groaning loudly in embarrassment.

"Did I say that out loud?" I winced, rubbing my forehead.

"Yup." He said, sending me a goofy grin.

"Anyways." He began, taking a step closer towards me.

Now usually if any male other than my brother, stepfather or Toby was this close to me then I would be having a panic attack. Yet for some reason, Chance didn't make me feel unsafe or bring back awful memories.

He made me feel safe and I wasn't all too sure why.

"Please drive home safe. I want to be able to see you again, in one piece that is." He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. My eyes lingered on his throbbing muscle.

God, the shirt looked like it would rip.

I tilted my head as I pursed my lips, staring into his beautiful grey eyes. I gave him a terse nod.

"I will. You drive home safe too, yeah?" I repeated, leaning forward as I placed my left hand over his heartbeat. It had begun to race harder against my hand as I watched him gulp subtly.

"Ok." He said, nodding his head.

With that, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his chest. I laid my head upon it, sighing as I rested against his heart beat. I always enjoyed leaning against people's chests and hearing their heart beat. My father always did it with me when I couldn't sleep as a child.

Tears began to form in my eyes at the thought of my real father.

I sucked in a sharp breath, inhaling Chance's scent. I was soon eased and sighed again contently. With that, we pulled away at the same time as he sent me an award winning smile.

My insides did a flip.

"I'll walk you to your car." He said, soon his hand dropping onto my lower back once again.

I began walking to the car, his hand not once falling any lower nor going any higher. I was thankful he wasn't one of those typical guys trying to cop a feel. When he held the small of my back, his hand stayed in its position.

A true gentleman.

Once I was at my car, I unlocked it. I turned around, craning my neck as he stared down at me.

"Thank you for a good night. I haven't felt this content with life in a while." He muttered, a small smile appearing on his face as I smiled back up at him.

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