Chapter 65: Broken Hearts and Lip Rings

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Song: My Blood - Ellie Goulding

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Chance makes POV:


Simone was murdered in Jail. Glenn was beaten badly.

That's what the police had informed us, they came knocking on the door late last night. Although it wasn't very ideal and not a great surprise, Hope had asked them to let us know about anything that had to do with the murderers of our best mate, no matter the time of day.

I would've preferred a phone call if anything, but they said that they were patrolling in the area when they got the news and decided to come and inform us face to face.

Their face to my fist if you'd ask me.

I sat downstairs, twiddling my thumbs as I awaited Hope to get home from work. It was later in the afternoon and we were going to Nick and Sage's place at 5 to have dinner and just to catch up.

Personally, I had no interest in seeing any of them, but I knew that I would just be hurting Hope if I was to let her go by herself.

And I would've hurt myself too.

Leo jumped up on the table, letting out a soft mew as his green eyes stared into mine. He licked his lips slowly, his small teeth that Hope loves to always quote "little teefs" shone in the artificial light.

It was feeding time and there was no way he wasn't reminding me of that.

"Hungry Leo?" I asked, fluffing up his mane as he meowed loudly and jumped off of the table and ran right into the kitchen, standing beside his bowl.

He gave me a look as if to say 'yes you big fucking idiot'

I never was a huge fan of cats but Leo is an exception, due to how animated and sassy he is, I suppose cats are just rude in general.

Unlike dogs who get super excited about your arrival and are always up in your grill and want to be with you, cats couldn't give a fuck where you are or when you're home.

I heard the door open just as I put the wet food into Leo's bowl. I turned and saw a beautiful woman walk into the kitchen, her long, dark hair now falling down her back as she pulled it from her bun.

She looked tired, stressed and hungry.

"You ok?" I asked, putting the food in the fridge as I walked towards her.

She sighed, rubbing a hand over her head as I opened my arms and took her in.

"I've been stressed." She murmured.

"Something happen at work?" I asked.

"No, nothing major today. I've been stressed about seeing the group." She spoke, her eyes holding fear.

I felt relieved that I wasn't the only one but held myself up as I then questioned;


She looked away, taking her bottom into between her teeth as she then blew out.

"What if we aren't the same? What if Eli was the glue and when we see each other all we'll do it argue and fight and become sinister and hateful towards one another. It's just going to make the situation much, much worse." She whimpered.

I sighed, stepping back as I ran a hand down my face, digging my finger tips into my cheeks.

"Look, baby. We will never be the same. Eli's absence will always be loud and a major change to our group, but that doesn't mean we'll turn cynical and angry. If anyone starts to point the finger and blame then I'll step in. I won't let anyone hurt you, ok?" I finished, grabbing her shoulders and tilting my head to the side as I cocked an eyebrow.

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