Chapter 43: A Fare To Remember

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Song: Invisible Touch - Genesis

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Hope's POV:

A month had past since the incident. My birthday was over thankfully, I hated the thought that I was getting older.

Other than that I had a lovely birthday and Chance had gotten me a new car.

It was a white Volkswagen Tiguan and boy did I fall in love. At first I was angry that he had spent so much money on me and refused to take the gift, but he plainly said how he was sick of seeing me drive an old beat up car.

Nevertheless I love the car and treat it as though it's my baby.

Currently I was lying in bed, filing my finger nails. Toby was in the middle of painting his own while Amanda was curling her hair. Rachel was clipping her toenails.

Her boyfriend had been complaining how she was scratching him with them while they was sleeping.

"Hey, can I get one of you to come and feed Leo dinner tonight? I'm going to Chance's after I finish work." I asked.

Amanda instantly took the offer with a smile on her face.

"Speaking of Chance, I still think it was so romantic how you asked Chance to be your boyfriend! Totally switching gender roles!" Toby giggled, continuing to paint his nails a baby pink color.

"And buying you a car! Ugh! So lucky." He finished, a smirk on his face as I blushed.

"I agree, I bet Chance was pissed that he hadn't stepped up his game and swallowed his pride. I mean it was about time." Amanda joined in, brushing her newly curled hair out to create a more natural looking one.

"Do you have anything to add, Rachel?" Toby asked, his voice bitter with a hint of sarcasm.

Rachel's eyes flickered up to his, a scowl on her face before looking at me.

"Very proud. We love, love. Unless it's Toby." With that, she averted her gaze and continued clipping her toenails.

"Excuse m-."

"Come on, one day." Amanda sighed, referring to them not fighting, her shoulder length hair covering her face.

I just laughed, their friendly fued always entertained me. I reached for my iced tea, taking a large gulp. I was in the middle of another mouthful when Toby spoke up.

"So have you guys fucked yet?"

I nearly spat and choked on my tea.

"W-What." I coughed, patting my chest as Amanda looked at Toby like a stunned mullet.

Rachel didn't even look up, she just shook her head.

"You could have put it way nicer than that." Rachel muttered.

"Fine." Toby began. "Has he dipped into your ocean?"

Amanda spat, laughing loudly as my face reddened even more.

"Well." I began, taking another small sip from my tea. "We haven't done the deed. We've done... other things." I mumbled.

Which was true. Lately Chance and I had been getting more... comfortable with each other.

I still hadn't told him about my awful experience but I hadn't felt the need to. Not yet anyways.

"Like what?" Toby asked.

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