Blushing I tilt my head towards him and see Stiles fixing his member. "Would you like some help fixing that issue." I wiggle my eyebrows while Stiles's widens his eyes and hits the side of the door.



Once we arrive at the school Stiles and I split ways to go venture off to our individual lockers before we meet back in the middle of the hallway.

"Have you seen Scott or Allison?" I shake my head side to side and continue to look around when Stiles turns my face back towards him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing I've just been thinking and I realized that both of them have not been talking to me...something is wrong Stiles."My body collides with his before Stiles rubs small soothing circles into my back.

"We will figure everything out but as of right now; we should start heading to class." He mumbles into my neck as I nod my head and part away from him.

"Okay." Just when Stiles and I turn the opposite direction a heavy impact brings me to fall down on the floor.

"Oh god I'm so sorry I-" The familiar voice makes me stop my movements and stare up at him.



We both stare at each other flustered while I hear footsteps approaching behind me, the same nervous feeling I had soon comes to exist when Liam stands up and extends a hand out for me to grab.

"Baby are you okay?" Stiles sprints back over and turns me around.

"I'm okay." His hand caresses over my arms and face as I direct my attention back to Liam who is looking at the ground anxiously.

But before I could notice Stiles's glare he begins to yell Liam's name. "Liam I swear-"

"There you are! I had to circle the first ground for a good fifteen minutes just to find the missing pieces." Lydia's voice echoes throughout the hallway which makes the argument between Liam and Stiles become forgotten. The three of us together turn our heads around only to see Lydia gripping Scott and Allison's hands.

Their faces and distance stares spark something dark between the two of them as I now recognize how unkempt they are.

"On friday I'm having a party at my house since my mom will be gone on yet another spontances "work trip" and I need as many people their because this will be the party of the century." Rolling my eyes I grip Stiles hand while I send death glares her way.

"What makes you think we want to go to your party?" Lydia looks between Stiles and I as if she is trying to convince him for me to go but I quickly avert her eyes when I step in front of my boyfriend. "Why are you looking at him? There is no given reason as to why you need to look at him and try to convince him otherwise with your stupid green eyes." She huffs out a breath just as Stiles presses a hand onto my shoulder.

"Angel I think it would be fun if we went, we could use some fun in life." My heart practically drops to my stomach when I notice him following along to Lydia's plan. Almost sensing the drop in the atmosphere Stiles dips down and whispers in my ear. "And than later that night we can have sex anywhere you want." A shiver runs down my spine as I shift my gaze back to the floor.

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