They Know [Sleepxiety] (Youtuber AU)

702 42 27

I'm tired bleh


Virgil sent up his webcam and out his microphone in front of him on his little working desk. Virgil is a large-scale gaming and animations youtuber with over a million subscribers. With that fame comes a lot of confidence and never a need to leave your house unless you need groceries or go on a date with your Latino boyfriend. His boyfriend also has a makeup tutorial channel and does a lot of fashion blogs. People call him a wannabe James Charles or a Trans Patricia Bright, but he doesn't give a shit. He is pretty damn near to his hundred thousand subscribers and he is so freaking excited. Virgil turned on the webcam and started the livestream.

" 'Sup Superstars. It's ya boi, Virge, and ready to get this party started. Imma wait a second, lean back, and wait for the lot of y'all to flood in before making a poll asking what ya want me to do."

Virgil literally sat back and hundred of people began watching them lovestramkng, putting some personality in the chat. Virgil scrolled through his photo gallery on his phone, snickering at blue his boyfriend had taken it and used it to snap some dope selfies. Virgil looked back to the stream and noticed that he had fifteen hundred people watching. He rivals Markiplier and Jacksepticeye at this point! WHOOO! It's time to start the stream out right.

"Looks like we got a nice crowd out there, that's dope. So imma put a poll right there where the little I in da top right corner is to ask what ya want me to do. We can do a nice chat 'em up stream or I have a few games I can just try and play all the way through within the two hour long period I got. The poll should be going up now aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it's up! Now go vote ya dorks."

Virgil's blood went cold when he heard the door close behind him, and the entire chat knew something was up. Remember that sassy Latino boyfriend mentioned before? Well, nobody knows about him on his channel. Virgil flung himself around and there he was in all his glory. Mistakes, Regrets, and Non-Binary Rejects, allow us to introduce to you the wonderful man known as Remy. He was holding a starbucks Andy wearing his normal carefree smile, Gucci glasses held over his eyes. 

"Mi Amor~ ¡Estoy en Casa~! ¡Eres NO crees la basura YO tueve que atrevesar hoy!"

Virgil couldn't help but smile. He took a long sip of his hibiscus tea and walked over to Virgil, who was staring at him like a deer in headlights in his office chair, back to the camera. He didn't have to look at the chat to know that everyone was basically asking who he was and making some sarcastic lowkey racist mexiacan jokes. Maybe even one person who actually recognizes Remy. Remy swayed his hips over, making a show for nobody in particular, and kissed his boyfriend lovingly on the forehead.

"¿Cómo estás, mi amor?"

Virgil couldn't believe how Remy isn't realize that his camera was on. It was definitely his live-streaming times. It's noon thirty on Friday. Wasn't Remy supposed to be going to hang out with friends so he could do his livestream without starting some major YouTube drama. Virgil simply pointed at the computer and he watched his caramel skin go pale. He flicked up his sunglasses and took another long sip of his Starbucks. Whelp, fuck it. This is the livestream where everyone in the world finds out their favorite youtuber is hay as fucking hell!

"Hey Bitches, what's new? My name is Remy and I got my own channel called GlitterGay and this bitch is Virgil's boyfriend. If any of y'all hoes got a problem with that feel free to leave because we gay and proud in this household."

Virgil snickered and rolled his eyes, spinning his chair around and sitting his boyfriend in his lap in the chair. The crowd is going absolutely nuts. Virgil can't even read if as fast as each comment is coming. Virgil reaches around Remy, looking at the poll. It looks like everyone wants to do a talking Q/A style livestream. Virgil opened up the chat. Literally everyone was screaming for Virgil to explain who he was. Some people made fun of him and others tried flirting through the chat. Virgil decided to explain.

"Yeah, this is my wonderful boyfriend and I don't even care who knows anymore. Feel free to unsubscribe if you're a disgusting person who hates gays, because I am openly homosexual. And guess what else? We're married."

Remy smirked smugly and they both held up their rings to the camera. This is the correct way to come out to the internet.

789 Words

I'm so tired and bored so that's it bleh.

Thanks for reading.


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