Breaktime [Logince]

295 19 7

This was a request by LilPencil222. Thank you friend!


Logan sat on Roman's desk, sipping a cold cup of green tea. He made a glass of lemonade for Roman. 

Recently, they have been working overtime for the channel and for a show that they are participating In. 

It's only benificial for their mental health to take breaks every now and then. 

Logan has had fo nag Roman to take breaks like a good boyfriend. It's annoying a lot, but Roman knows he is only doing what is best for him.

"See? Isn't this nice?"

Roman nodded, happily drinking his lemonade. Logan smiled at this, proud that's he did his job as a boyfriend.

Relaxing music played in the background for them as they shared this moment.

It's nice to take a break every now and then.

100 Words

I ran out of time to weite this properly. I have to wake up really early tomorrow to go on a family trip. So no updates starting now until probablt halfway through Monday.

The advice is easy. TAKE A BREAK

Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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