A Tactician's Lesson [Roceit]

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I'm obsessed with Fire Emblem so have some dorks playing a fantasy game similar to that. Think of it as Chess with Extra Rules lol. Don't worry, I'll explain as we go along.


Let's get two things straight here: Nobody here is straight and Roman is a huge dork. With Roman being a dork, he likes to play those heroic medieval-fantastical type games like Final Fantasy, Fire Emblem, Etrian Odyssey... basically a lot of RPGs. Since he is the entity of creativity Inside someone's head, he was able to create a tactical role playing strategy game similar to chess but with magic and monsters and dragons and stuff! It's super cool! But he doesn't have anybody to play with him.

Patton was too stupid to understand how to play, no offense. Virgil would criticize and critique Roman's workdbuilding and complain about why dark magic is super effective against light magic when it should be vice versa bUT IT MAKES IT A LOT MORE DRAMATIC AHEN KIGHT HEROES HAVE THE DISADVANTAGE AND WIN FOR PEACE'S SAKE SO SHUT UP VIRGIL!!! And Logan refused to play because of all the magic and fantasy and would always offer to play regular chess, which was too boring for Roman. But there is one person he can play the game with in secret...

So here they were! Roman and Deceit were in the Imagination, playing the game similar to the card game during the Eclipse Arc Of Fairy Tail: Cana versus Scorpio. That's one of the author's favorite episodes btw. Eclipse Scorpio is bae. The author would be happy to play a round or two of that card game with him. That's enough gushing about Eclipse Scorpio from Fairy Tail for now (which y'all should watch it's such a good anime) and get back to the story.

 They had their armies placed on field similar to a chess set, however each piece is customizable with strengths and weaknesses and you can equip different sets of skills, weapons, and armors onto each piece. Deceit was heavier on dark and anima magics as well as fire and thunder Magics. He didn't have many physical units, but he did have plenty of archers and ninjas. His king Piece was reflecting of him, a sword unit. Roman was quite the opposite, having a vanguard of lances, swordsmen, and axemen. He had the occasional archer, wind mage, light mage, and astra mage. His king was also a sword unit, matching him perfectly to a T.

"I'm first."

Deceit proclaimed. Roman didn't mind, he had equipped vantage onto most of his pieces and countermagic. Vantage is when the piece is halfway down on health the unit gets to attack first regardless no of turn. Countermagic means whatever magical damage a unit takes the same damage is reflected back. Deceit sent out four mages in pairs of two to guard the sides of the stage, only able to move two squares. He sends a Pegasus dark mage and a Wyvern (dragon) dark mage forward to attack two low-res units. Those two particular units did not have countermagic, so they are sent to the retreat. Deceit decides to move a healer behind both pairs of mages and transfers the turn. 

"My turn. Imma destroy you Dee!"

Deceit snickers, enjoying the dork's company as he brings forward an axeman and a lancer to desroty the mages on the sides, then brings forward three swordsmen on the front to destroy the flying mages, with one as backup. One of them takes major damage, so the third swordsman performs Ardent Sacrifice. By cutting his own health by a third, he fully restored the health of the prementioned unit. He brings forward his two healers on each side of his king by one space, since his king is an armored unit with one movement, and is satisfied with what he had Done. With a smug smile, he passed the turn.

"Your turn!"

They went back and forth several times. With Roman's brash "offense is the best defense" style he had pushed his way and surrounded Deceit's king quickly, however he hadn't gone after the side units which was highly disadvantageous. Deceit had sniped all the physical attackers and rended Roman's king defenseless, slaying him for the win. Roman sat backwards, pouting from his defeat. Deceit laughed and crossed his arms, shaking his head. Roman just doesn't seem to learn, does he?

"Darn, I can't beat you can I? How come you always win in the end even when I get your king surrounded?"

Deceit reached over to the playing field and retracted one of his anima mages, twirling the game piece. Deceit used the magic of the game that they were using earlier while it was still in progress to bring the unit to full size, about the height of a Barbie doll. The unit did a little showcase of magic, bringing an endless awe to Roman's face. The game pieces never ceased to amaze him. It was amazing what a tiny piece of granite could do when you add a little bit of imagination~

"You never go after my army of mages, always go right for the king. Once you learn that not just the main character matter, then you can truly claim victory for yourself. Oh, and learn to adapt to your opponents better. Countermagic isn't enough to prevent an onslaught of mages from destroying your barracks."

Deceit retracted the piece, returning it to its prior form as a traditional rook. Deceit gathered his entire army and placed it back in the pouch they belonged in. Roman folded up the game board and retracted his pieces, lowkey dissapointed in his own skills as  tactician. He noticed that deceit was about to leave, so he jumped up and ran back on his feet. He ran around and grabbed Deceit, bringing him into a hug from behind like one of those cliché anime girls. Deceit looked back over his shoulder, raising an eyebrow.

"Hey, you'll play with me again later right?"

Deceit chcukled. This game grows rather stale after playing it so many times. Roman sure is dedicated. Should he promise that he'll play again? He's rather burned out from playing tactical games. He'd much rather have some lunch or go to an opera later or something. Wait a second, that sparked an idea. Deceit chcukled again, reaching over and patting Roman's Head. He's so adorable when he smiles so hopeful like that~

"Why don't we play a different game later, a game that I know the romantic side would prefer~ How about we go to lunch in an hour? My treat."

Roman gasped and started fanboying. Oh yeah. Deceit was in love with this dork.

1103 Words

I had fun writing the battle sequence. I've been playing cards and having fun playing strategy games recently and they're so fun so I thought I'd reflect that in my writing. Also I have family over so don't expect frequent updates lol.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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