To Virgil, The Best Of Us [LAMP +D]

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I wanted to do a big project one-shot on acceptance and love for Virgil so here we go. Also I feel super sick today and bleh. Sorry.



Virgil was sitting on the counter, swinging his legs while Patton was standing next to him  fixing up lunch for the both of them. Patton was making sandwiches just the way they liked them. Virgil likes crisp, French bread with honey ham and Swiss cheese. The Swiss compliments the sweetness and the porky flavor of the ham, and you can never go wrong with French bread! Parton likes having turkey and Colby jack cheese on French bread because he's more a turkey fan and he hates Swiss. Both of them are the French bread buds. Anything that allows the two of them to get closer, They were happy with it.

"Vigil, Kiddo, could you go grab me a sprite? You can have whatever you want."

Virgil nodded and hopped off the counter, making himself useful. Virgil conjured a Sprite for Patton and a Doctor Pepper 10 for himself. He could never get over the fact that he can't get a Doctor Pepper 10 in the local grocery store anymore. They stopped selling them. Virgil grabbed two cups out of the cupboard and got a handful of ice for each of them. Virgil then poured a few ice cubes out of his because he doesn't like too much ice with his soda. It just deluded the flavor when it melts. Virgil opened the cans and poured the soda in slowly. At the same time, Patton brought the sandwiches on separate plates with chips to accompany them over to the table. Virgil threw away the empty cans and brought the cups over to the table. Virgil sat across from Patton, smiling. It was like their own personal lunch date.

"Here, Patton. Cheers to us."

Virgil held up his cuo and held it towards Patton's. Patton giggled adorably and held his cup up. They both extended their pinkies because they're both classy and clinked their cups together. A cheers, or a toast if you want to call it that. But they weren't eating toast, they were eating French bread. Virgil noticed how Patton cut his sandwich into thirds, he remembered that too? Patton was perfect. He didn't deserve him.

"Cheers to you, Virgil. Without you here, we'd all be missing out on one of the best and sweetest people here."

Patton beamed right at him and Virgil felt himself get 20% gayer. Virgil took a long sip of his soda, not having anything to Say. He still didn't know hoe to respond to that. He was using the cup to hide his blush, or at least trying to. Virgil heard Virgil giggle again and he finally put down his cup. Virgil couldn't really look Patton in the eye. Virgil felt his face burning up. Patron reached over and grabbed his wrist. Virgil finally looked up at Patton. Patton was smiling reassuringly, eyes filled with love and adoration. If this was a cartoon, his pupils would be in the shape of hearts and colored in pink.

"I love you, Virgil."

Virgil felt so warm and wholesome inside. Patton loved everyone, and everyone included him. Virgil forgot that sometimes.  Virgil slid Patton's grasp up so that Patton wasn't grabbing his wrist, but his hand. Virgil entwined his fingers and just stared at their hands for a moment. Patton had his fingers painted all baby blue except his ring fingers, they were painted pink. It's been a while, but he refused to wash off his nail polish for Leelah Alcorn. It's a morality thing. Virgil has his nails painted black and purple alternating. Both of them had the same hand shape, the same fingers, but Patton's hands were warming up his cold and clammy ones. Virgil inhaled softly and deeply before looking back up at Patton and trying to mirror his warm smile that made him feel like he owned the world.

"I love you too, Patton."


Virgil was in Roman's room with him. Roman was just living his best life: singing and dancing to his heart's content. He decided he was going to to be very feminine today with his movements. He was singing a bunch of your stereotypical Taylor Swift, Rihanna, and Shakira. He was basically trying to make his hips work like theirs would. Virgil was just laughing to himself and sitting on the grande piano he had in his room, watching. He would play ukulele or the piano whenever Roman wanted him to, but more over less he was just  watching him with a the dopiest grin on his face. However, Roman decided that wasn't enough for him.

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