I Want To Be With You [Moceit]

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Forbidden love. So cliché yet so irresistible. I fricking love deceit so why don't we start start something grand? Shall we? Take my hand, and I'll  guide you to the land of stories and romance.


Deceit watches him from the shadows, but not in a creepy way. His eyes are filled with longing. No matter how hard he tries, nobody considers him part of the group around here. But there's one who is soft, one who has the chance of understanding him, that he has grown quite fond of. Patton. Patton Kokoro Sanders. The heart and morality of this entire show. He may be ignorant and silly, but he is also accepting and understanding. It's too hard not to love this man. Deceit wants him so bad. He wants to hold him, give him gifts, and be able to tell him that he will always be there for him without a single shred of dishonesty. He doesn't always speak in lies, you know. 

Deceit sighed to himself and retreated back to his room, where his twin snakes awaited his arrival. At least Jaffar and Medusa loved him. Jaffar was red and Golden was it hot black lines separating the two and Medusa being purely golden. Deceit walked up to the duo and smiled, placing another meal for the two in their cage so they can eat their lunch. Deceit then walked over to his bed and pulled out a little project from the side. He took the needle out of the pin, the thread stretching long still to the side of the bed. Deceit pulled out the actual project of the project. He was trying to sew a little doll.

In and out, Deceit began sewing up the seams that make the torso plump, round, and soft like a pillow. It's a long work in progress, and he's still learning, however he's decided that he'd take sewing into a hobby of his. It calms his temper and allows him to retreat from whatever thoughts were racing in his mind. Deceit stitched up the sides of the torso and managed to attach two out of four limbs before there was a knock at the door. Curious. Nobody ever looks for Deceit. Absentmindedly, Deceit Called to whoever was on the other side of the door with a harsh tone.

"What do you want?"

Deceit didn't particularly want to be bothered. He just wanted to finished this little doll so he can make something that he can give physical affection to. Well, other than his snakes. However, he nearly dropped his needle and the pins he had in his mouth when he heard the soft, concerned voice from the other side of his bedroom door.

"Deceit? I know you don't like me much but I really need to talk to you. Before you ask Logan, Virgil, and Roman are not with me so you don't have to worry about them. It's just me."

Deceit froze. Why was Patton here, wanting to talk to him? Deceit panicked, stuffing his needles, pins, pincushion, and whatever else down the side of his bed and tripped trying to stand up. Wow. That's not embarrassing at all. Deceit hurried to the door of his bedroom and swung it open. There stood Patton, in his casual clothing and not what he normally wears for videos or debates with the rest of the group. Deceit was still wearing his normal wear, not his casual wear. Meaning, he still wore his yellow gloves and cape like a cliché anime villain. Deceit was a mess, frizzy hair and face flushed pink underneath his scales.

"Patton. I was.... I was expecting you."

Yeah, play it cool. Way to play it cool Deceit. Patton was wearing a very long, mint green shirt and short shorts underneath, no shoes because we don't wear shoes unless we need to in this household. Heck, Deceit was jus in his socks because even he don't deal with that mess. You can tell the author is a redneck, huh? Back to the more serious tone of the story I totally just ruined with my own wackiness. Patton just flashed a grin at him, forgetting that his glasses were falling off the bridge of his nose.

"You were? That's awesome! Well, I know you weren't but it's nice to know I'm wanted here. I thought you despised me and the others like you did in the little debate earlier."

Ah, yes. Earlier Deceit showed what he was like when he loses his temper. There was a big courtroom setting and Deceit lost as the prosecution after Roman decided to pull a reverse uno card right out of his sleeve. Deceit was screaming and raising his voice. He cracked under the pressure. He finally got the spotlight for an entire video and he ruined his chances of being loved and being a part of the group because of his own pride and his selfish nature. Not to mention bringing up a drunken racist man. Deceit didn't know how to respond. Should he apologize? Should he defend himself? Luckily, Patton didn't give him a chance to do either.

"Deceit, can I come in? I feel like we really should talk some things out so there's no more fighting. Please?"

Anyone who'd say no to those puppy dog eyes would be going to hell INSTANTLY for sinning. Deceit had no words, worried of what might come out of his mouth, and he held the door open for Patton. Patton walked into his room and began looking around. Deceit closed and locked the door. That might seem shady, but in reality he's protecting Patton from all the other dark sides just in case they decide to drop in for a visit. Deceit motioned for Patton to take a seat on his bed. Patton did so and Deceit went back on his decision to keep his Louth shit and began spitting out words, not filtering between the truth and the lies.

"Patton I'm dreadfully sorry for my behavior earlier. I snapped and couldn't take it. I'm trying my best to fit in and that is just going swimmingly. Virgil loathes me, Logan despises me, and Roman still believes I'm always wrong. I mean, you always say lying is wrong but I know you don't hold that against me as a person. Roman is learning how not to do that too but he's struggling, and everyone is struggling I'm so, so very sorry."

Deceit stopped himself before he could go on any further. Patton stood up and smiled at him before opening his arms wide and taking Deceit into a large hug. Deceit felt his heart do a backflip before tripling its pace 

"Thank you for trying. That's all we can ask for. You're doing your best. I forgive you."

Deceit inhaled a sharp breath of air through his nostirls. He felt an overwhelming desire just to hold him close and kiss him and tell him how much he wants to be with him. Deceit didn't do any of those things, however. He just stood there like an idiot. Oh Satan, now look at him! He's crying like a pussy! Patton must have noticed him being a wuss because he took his hand and wiped away his tears without moving any other part of his body, as if this all was second nature to him.

"No need for tears. I'm here. I forgive you."

No need for tears. No need for tears. That's a lie, and Patton knew it. There's plenty of reasons for tears. He hurt Patton's friends, he made Patton question himself, Thomas is single and still going to the wedding, Guys and Dolls, And Deceit's deep loneliness were all reasons to cry. They all were reasons for tears. Deceit wants to be with Patton, but this was probably all he was going to get. This was the best. Deceit managed to convince himself that this was enough for him and he hugged Patton back. Deceit wants to be with Patton so badly... it hurts. It physically pains him.

"That's better. I'm here for you, Deceit. I love you, Deceit."

Then why? Why did it hurt so much?

1247 Words

Wow, that was angsty! And I just finished watching Mary Poppins Returns with Mom and Dad! By the way, I'm super sick so I'm skipping school tomorrow. Bleh. 

Everyone is beautiful in their own way! Everyone is unique and that's what makes them Beautiful and special! Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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