Bubbly Barista [Moxiety] (Coffee Shop AU)

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We all need a little bit of coffe Shop AU in our lives 💜


Virgil was really stressed out at college. He would be lying if he actually has any blood in his veins. It's one hundred percent coffee. Wait, no. 99% coffe And 1% tea because there's always that one day a month where he tries to be healthy but then he doesn't give any fucks. But today he didn't go to his normal Dunkin Donuts because he was running late. There's a Starbucks right by his next class and be only has fifteen minutes. Virgil walked into the Starbucks and was instantly greeted. Wait, what? Nobody cares when he entered Dunkin Donuts what was going on?

"Hi welcome to Starbucks Friend!"

Virgil noticed a boy in a cute blue shirt wearing the Starbucks apron and a green Starbucks visor leaning over the counter and waving frantically. It turns out the Starbucks was completely empty and he was the only one on shift. It was a very tiny Starbucks embedded in a corner store sooooo.... want do you expect? Virgil cringed a bit, hands shoved in his pockets. Virgil has social anxiety so this very upbeat and loud person kind of scared him. And why does he look really similar to him? The only real difference that he could see from this far was the fact he dyed the ends of his fringe baby blue, which was kind of adorable I felt he really thought about it. Virgil walked up with an awkward smile. He kinda did make his day a bit better by just pretending like he matters. It made him feel up for a nice chcolate drink today.

"Hey, can I get a Viente Chocolate Chip Frappe?"

Virgil glanced at his name tag on his apron. Patton? He never met anyone named Patton. In fact he only knew about three people not including his family. The boy rang him up and he paid for his drink. Virgil walked over to the bar off the side of the counter and sat down on one of the stool-chair things he doesn't know what to call them. Before he knew it, the chcolate chip frappechinno Was sat down right in front of him, super tall size and all it's glory. The cute barista leaned over the counter, beaming at him. Virgil took a sip of his drink and rose an eyebrow at him. Why did he feel comfortable with him? It's kinda weird.

"So, what's your name?"

He seemed so happy. Now that he was closer, he noticed how he did have the blue hair dye and he even painted his nails the same color. Of course, he wore glasses. He didn't think he would have to mention that since this is Patton we're talking about. He also had braces that were purple and the same light blue. Purple happened to be his favorite color. Virgil almost forgot entirely about his question. Virgil felt his face grow red when he realized he was asked for his name.

"Oh, uh... I'm Virgil?"

Why did that sound like a question? Great, now Virgil sounds like an idiot. Virgil looked at his watch. He has five minutes to get to class!? Virgil looked back up at his cute barista Patton. It was  just a communications class. He could probably bullshit something about having bad Social Anxiety or taking a Mental Health day. He kinda liked this person, so maybe that could count as a mental health day? Virgil smiled at Patton. Maybe he should try and keep the conversation go- oh wait. Patton already handled it.

"Virgil? Aww that's so cute! I'm Patton! Can I give you my phone number since you probably have class soon?"

Oh wow, he took care of all he was being anxious about, huh? But Virgil really didn't want to go to Communications. He could stay here for an hour until he has another lecture. See, Virgil kinda wanted to be a School Art Teacher since he kind of enjoys art and wants to be the coolness guy to inspire kids unlike his previous art teachers he had. Virgil shook his head and smiled, feeling no social anxiety what so ever. Maybe it was because he was so optimistic and energetic? Or maybe because he was only one person? Virgil can definitely handle one person.

"I mean, yeah I want your number, but I don't have a class for another hour. Maybe we can hang out for a while since this place is empty?"

Wow, Virgil was proud of himself for being so bold in front of a cute boy! Maybe those letters he was writing to himself thanks to his therapist have been working. You know, for self confidence? Kind of like Evan Hansen's letters to himself. Maybe those were working? Who knows. He watched Patton squeal and make himself a quick green tea lemonade with extra lemonade and run around the counter my sliding in the chair next to Virgil. In a second he jotted down his phone number on a napkin using a sharpie he had in his pocket and slid it over to him. Then he took a long sip of his tea. Virgil took a sip of his chcolate drink that was probably invented to help with periods. Patton finally started talking again. It was great.

"I'm guess you know my name is Patton! I noticed you read my nametag! Anyways, want to talk to me about what you're in College for?"

The two boys sat there talking on and on about what they wanted to do with their lives. Virgil told Patton about his dream to be an Art teacher despite his social anxiety. Patton then talked about his dream to run a kindergarten or daycare or something as long as it involves small children of any kind. He talked about being a lonely only child and it went silent for a while. Then Patton and Virgil started talking about puppies then kittens, even though Patton is allergic to cats, then they went on a giant rant on why the blobfish was the most beautiful creature on earth. It was all running smooth until Patton's manager yelled at him for flirting with the customers. Virgil had to leave around then, but he instantly added Patton's number into his contacts.

Two years later they got married.

1047 Words

I really tried with this one to make it wholesome. You don't always need a lot of words to make a good story. I like this one the way it is.

Remember: sometimes you make your most important memories or relationships in the most unexpected places. Maybe even in a Starbucks somewhere. Just smile, be friendly, and Optimism will flock to you. Internet hugs and blow kisses!


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