Growing Up [Logicality] (Parents AU)

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I sort of feel empty and my body is sore... so here. I hope I can make someone smile.


"Patton, I'm not so sure..."

"Come on Logybear! You're a lawyer and I'm a principal! I'm sure we can easily raise a kid!"

Logan looked down at the infant girl in his arms. Patton's friend DeeDee found her abandoned somewhere and said that they couldn't take care of her. Dee had also asked Virgil and Roman respectively if they could, but nobody could take in this sweet baby girl. That's when Patton had offered to take her in. But he didn't tell Logan until he got home from a trial. Logan was very unsure. A little girl? It wasn't expenses he was worried about... it was being a parent.

"Logan, we don't want to bring her to the orphanage. I promise that we can do a good job as Dads!"

"Patton, I'm not so sure..."

"Come on Logan!"

The baby girl opened her eyes, revealing her gorgeous emerald eyes. Logan had never seen a girl with black hair and green eyes before. She looked up at him and sniffled, reaching her hands up at him. Before Logan knew it She's began crying. Logan panicked. Was she hungry!? Did she need a diaper change!? Change of clothes!? She hasn't just been out in the rain... Oh dear oh no! 

The panic stopped when she grabbed onto Logan's finger. She stopped crying and the redness drained from her face. Logan just stared at her, feeling something magical. He had to protect this small child. Who knows what could happen to her if they just leave her to the world's bidding? It'd be easy to win custody over her since they don't have a parent note or anything. Clear reckless abandonment with several people to testify that this is what happened. Logan glanced up to see Patton with the cheesiest grin on his face.

"So~ What's her name Logan?"

A name? He looked back down at the little girl, who was giggling and trying to see if she could wrap her tiny hand around two of Logan's fingers. She was the sweetest little thing. Sweet like cake. Cake... that's it. Logan let a smile spread over his normally stoic expression. He had the perfect name for her.

"Mochi. Her name will be Mochi unless she chooses to change it as she grows older."

Patton cheered and skipped over to Logan's Side, cooing over Mochi. The baby giggled, clearly loving both of her goofy glasses dads. Logan felt a spark of determination in his heart. He was going to raise this child and give her the best life she could possibly ask for. He can garuntee it right here, right now. He will do everything he can to make Mochi happy.


"Papa! We're home from school~🎶"

Mochi sang out, carrying her tiny yellow backpack on he rocks shoulders and her tiny sketchbook in her hands. Patton had been teaching her how to draw since they have to leave for school earlier than most students. Patton is the principal of the Elementary after all. Logan looked up from the case file he was previewing before having to do a late night investigation and interrogation at the detention center. He smiled as his little girl ran into his arms, dropping everything in the floor. 

"Welcome home, Mochi. I've missed you."

Patton walked over and gave Logan a little peck on the lips, Mochi laughing and squirming out of Logan's grasp when they did so. She always hated them displaying affection for some reason. But in that childish way like you don't like seeing your parents kissing or flirting with eachother. She just doesn't like being around people who show romantic affection at all. Just little girls being little girls I guess. Cooties.

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