Dealing With Birds [Logince] (Soulmate AU)

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Your soulmates receives an animal that acts just like you and reflects you as a person. When a mutual understanding has been achieved, the soul animals will lead you to your soulmate so you can begin your life together.


Logan sighed, annoyed yet again by this pesky little Sun Conure. Why did his soulmate have to have such a difficult personality? He found himself emotionally drained with every squak. Studying had never been so hard. However, the little FREAKING LOUD bird did have its upsides. Such as its love for Crofters, its taste in music, and when it decides not to Ben a devil its company is rather pleasant. Over the past six months or so Logan has kept a detailed journal on his soulmate and gave it the name Romeo after the flearly dramatic persona it displayed. Right now was one of his times to jot down a quick journal entry while it is distracted by food.

The bird has proclaimed a stuffed toy an aquaintence of mine [Patton] had gifted me for itself, bringing it into its cage to hoarde. This action causes me to infer a sense of greed inside my soulmate. I find no troubles with this quality as long as it is managable and controlable. Other character traits I have learned to deal with, such as the arrogance and ignorance. I have taught the bird various things and slowly I'm training it to have patience. However there are some traits and habits that I still find quite irritating like the constant need to squak and "sing". There are some things that I have learned to enjoy at the bird seems to enjoy, such as brushing its feathers and styling it. It's a destresser and takes up time, which is beneficial. I have a suspicion that I will be able to meet my soulmate relatively soon. Until Tomorrow, Au Revior. ~Logan Barry

Logan set his pen down and to his surprise, there was no ear-piercing shrieking from the bird. Logan walked back into the room where the bird, Romeo, preferred to be fed. Romeo was staring out of the window, almost longingly. Romeo had the little feather comb Logan used for styling its hair in its talons and for once in its life kept its beak shut. Logan walked up the bird, onserving before taking action. The bird looked over at Logan and let out a tiny little bawk rather than a squak. Logan took the comb and began brushing its feathers smooth, pleasing the tiny birb. But right after the bird was done, it went right back to staring out the window. Logan felt a spark of a hypothesis cross his mind. Perhaps it was time...


Roman was sighing again, watching the barn owl just sit there and be quiet. The owl was stubborn and quiet and boring, but it was freaking cute and learning to come out of it's shell. Roman doesn't really have a name for his soul pet. He just calls the owl nerd. Roman as working on a new art project and had gotten his hands covered in sharpie marks and stuff. That's when he noticed the owl being super weird, weirder than normal. The owl actually flew to a place that it normally doesn't go and perched itself on the windowsill of Roman's bedroom, being a dense stereotypical male character, Roman rose an eyebrow at the floofy birb.

"What's up? Is something out there? Do you want to go outside again? We can go on a walk if you can promise me you won't run off to that bookstore again."

The owl turned its head all the way around to look at Roman. The owl furrowed its brow, as if extremely annoyed at Roman. The bird does that a lot. It acts like a dissapointed parent or something. It gave Roman the impression that his soulmate was a stuck up nerd. The owl let out the same old sigh that he gets pretty often. Roman rolled his eyes, feeling the sassy tension of the room, and stood up from his desk. He walked over to the window to see what the heck the owl was doing. Roman saw literally nothing. Roman pursed his lips and looked back at the bird.

"Nothing's out there. Do you want me to grab that giant book again? I know you like that giant book."

The owl was extremely annoyed yet again. This is the cue for the other to make another transition back to Logan so he can solve the conflict since Roman doesn't quite understand his birb yet and we really need to get the actual story rolling because we are already at seven hundred words.


Logan took the bird out through the front door after creating a harness for it so it can't fly off too far. Logan held on to the leash and calmly walked behind the bird that was vigorously flying northwest.  It wasn't long before Logan realized that he had to travel quite the distance, so he mentally prepared himself for a long walk. So Reader, Just pretend that there big bold words that say "time skip" right around here so we can get to where the main characters meet eachother, okay?

Logan made it over two or three blocks, he lost count, when Romeo flew up to some random person's window. Logan noticed that the window has the curtains open as well. Romeo found a nice place to perch itself on, a beach handing down in front of the window, and it stared directly at a barn owl. Logan immediately recongnized it as himself. They had the same resting bitch face. Logan walked up to the window to see another male working at a desk with well groomed hair, glossy skin, and a smile. The music could be heard through the walls. He was beating his head to the rhythm and belting along. Oh yeah This was definitely his soulamte.

Logan watched the Human form of Romeo look up and literally start freaking out. It was amusing to say In the very least. He literally pushed away from his desk and papers flew everywhere. The phone playing the music fell off his desk and he ran to the window, pushing the bird form Of Logan out of the way. The owl simply fluttered up and over to the desk, dreading the entire situation. Probably dreading life too. The owl was dead inside. Back to the actual plot. Human Romeo threw open the window and beamed, yelling out to Logan:


Logan pushed up his glasses, smirking. He knew the compliment was probably empty and had a twinge of something degrading in there, however he let that slide with the ego boost. He did pride himself in his appearance to be professional and attractive. Attractiveness does, in fact, get you far in the world. He unharnessed Romeo, who literally flung itself through the window to meet the owl that represented Logan. The two instantly fused together and pooped out of existence, considering that Logan and his soulmate didn't need them anymore.

"Yes, I am indeed your soulmate. My name is Logan. I hope we can learn to overcome our differences and live a happy life together."

Roman scrunched his nose a bit, but then laughed it off. Wow, he really was a need wasn't he? Roman nodded, still super happy that he found his soulmate. Happy life forever! There's so much to do, so much to see, there's no way they're taking the back seat! Roman reached over and gave him a loving noogie, which Logan certainly did not expect. Don't worry, it was affectionate. It's a habit that rubbed off on him from having several older brothers.

"Sure thing, Nerd. We're going to do so much together that we'll be inseperaable!"

What did Logan just get himself in to!?!

1313 Words

Huh, that's a nice number. But yeah, I got bored halfway through this. You can see where the quality dropped lol. Thanks for reading my garbage. I really love ya.


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