Chapter 56

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*A week later*

You and Abby decided to go shopping for her wedding dress. Ross stayed home with the twins so the two of you could relax. After a couple hours Abby finally found the right dress. She bought it and the two of you walked out. Then you decided to go to the store to pick up some things that you needed at the house. As you guys were in the check-out line you felt someone staring at you. You looked around not seeing anyone that you recognized so you tried to shake it off. When the two of you walked outside you felt those same eyes staring at you again. As you turned around your eyes got huge.

“Abby, umm turn around and tell me if you see who I think I just saw.” You whispered as you walked to your car.

She turned slightly and saw the same person you did. “Holy crap! What the hell is he doing here? I thought he was in jail?”

The two of you quickened your pace and made it to the car. Abby hopped in the drivers’ seat and you in the passenger seat. She locked the doors quick. Then she started backing up not paying attention to who or what was behind her. Suddenly she felt a thud against her car. She looked in the side mirror seeing none other than Aaron lying on the ground lifeless.

“What just happened?” You asked Abby scared.

“I uh think that I umm hit Aaron. He’s not moving.” She said nervously.

You looked out the window to see his body lying there. You called 911 so he would get some help. Then Abby took off and drove home really fast. Thankfully there were no cameras in the parking lot. Soon Abby pulled into the driveway, you both ran inside with all the bags and the dress in hand. No one was downstairs so you quickly hid her dress in the basement as you both tried to calm down from what just happened. About 15 minutes later you heard a knock on the door so you went back upstairs to see who it was. Riker’s ex was standing on the other side once again. You slowly opened the door as a glare came across your face.

“Can I help you?” you asked Cassie with an attitude.

“What the hell is your problem? You injured poor Aaron.” Cassie said getting slightly upset.

“That wasn’t me. I didn’t drive anywhere.” You said crossing your arms.

“Right, and you’re also the girl who didn’t sleep with Aaron when you were drunk years ago. What was it, friends with benefits or something?” Cassie said with a slight grin.

You no sooner heard foot steps behind you. At that point you were scared to turn around. Slowly you took a deep breath and faced Ross. His face filling with anger as tears rolled down his cheeks.  You walked over to him about to touch his arm but he pulled it away. You turned your head slightly to face Cassie.

“Get the hell out of here! Haven’t you done enough damage?” You yelled as tears rolled down your face.

You ran passed Ross, through your bedroom into the bathroom. You locked the door then leaned against it sliding down until you hit the floor. Tears started streaming down your face uncontrollably. This couldn’t be happening, you planned on telling him yourself and now it’s too late. You felt like your marriage was ruined because Ross wouldn’t be able to trust you anymore since you didn’t tell him about that. Ross was still standing in the foyer in shock. He closed the front door locking it. Then he leaned against it and slid down holding his face in his hands. He let the tears flow. He couldn’t believe that he wasn’t your first. When he first met you he thought you were still a virgin because of how you would stop the two of you from going any further. It killed him emotionally.

Finally you got the strength to get up. Slowly you made your way downstairs to see Ross crying by the front door. You ran down the stairs and sat next to him leaning your head on his shoulder with tears still running down your cheek. It killed you to see him like this especially when it was your fault. He didn’t move. Finally after a few minutes you spoke up.

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