Chapter 37

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**4 hours later**                                                                       

Your plane landed and you got a rental car from the airport. You drove to the hotel to get settled in before you went to the movie set to surprise Ross. About 30 minutes later you got back in the car and found your way there. You drove up to security and they asked for identification before letting you in. Stormie had called in advance letting them know that you were coming and not to tell Ross no matter what. You parked your car and asked one of the staff members where he was. They had you follow them so you wouldn’t get lost.

“Here you go Mrs. Lynch. He’s right in there shooting a scene.” The staff member said before he walked away.

Slowly you walk in as he wraps up a scene with Paul. He turns around and faces your direction. A smile spreads across his face as you run over to him. You jump up, wrapping your arms and legs around him. He pulls away just enough so he can kiss you.

“I missed you so much! What are you doing here?” he asks as he slowly puts you down.

“It was your mom’s idea. She noticed how miserable both of us were and bought me a plane ticket to come out and surprise you.” you said resting your arms around his neck.

“Well I’m glad she did that. I was going crazy mentally and well you know the other reason.” He said winking at you.

You shook your head, and then whispered in his ear. “Well you could always come back to my hotel room tonight and we could take care of that other reason.”

A smile spread across his face. As you let go you turn to walk back to his trailer with him Candace walks over in your direction. You rolled your eyes and kept walking, wanting nothing to do with her.

“Oh so the slut comes back around.” Candace sneers walking by you.

You stop in your tracks and turn around to face her. “I didn’t know you were talking about yourself in third person.” You rebutted crossing your arms across your chest.

She stopped dead in her tracks and glares at you. Then she storms off to shoot the next scene for the movie. The two of you walked into his trailer to relax before he had to do one more scene to close shooting for the day.

“Are you okay baby?” Ross asked as you sat down on the couch with a bottle of water.

“Yeah, she just gets under my skin is all. I’ll be happy when we don’t have to deal with her anymore.” You said as you sat next to him leaning your head on his shoulder.

He leans over kissing the top of your head. “You and me both. When I’m done with shooting we won’t have to deal with her until the premiere and then she’s completely gone.”

A few minutes later Ross had to leave his trailer and go shoot another scene. He grabbed your hand and made you come with him. He didn’t want to spend a moment without you.

**2 hours later**

Finally you were back at the hotel room. Thankfully Ross’ room was right down the hall from yours so he didn’t have to go far to get extra clothes and such to spend a couple nights with you. As he closes the door behind you he starts to back you up against the wall.

He leans down and whispers, “So how about we take care of what we talked about earlier.”

A smirk spreads across your face. “Mhm I like the sound of that.”

No sooner your lips crash into each other. He grabs the back of your neck deepening the kiss. Then he starts moving down your neck planting kisses and leaving marks. You both take your shirts off quickly then start kissing again. He puts his hands right below your butt and you jump wrapping your legs around his waist. He carries you over to the bed and lays you down. You back up to the middle of the bed as you take off your pants. He follows suit and takes his off too. Then he crawls onto the bed hovering over you continuing where he left off. Things started getting heated fast especially since you were apart for so long. After minutes of teasing each other he finally takes control. You loved this side of him. It turned you on and made this part of married life so much more enjoyable and fun. After hours of this the two of you finally hit your last burst of energy and he collapses on top of you kissing your neck gently.

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