Chapter 63

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**3 Months Later**

Today was the day you find out if you are having a boy or a girl. Both you and Ross were excited because you had a few baby names picked out. If it's a boy his name will be Xavier, if it's a girl her name will be Alexandria. You put on a maternity top with loose fitting pants. Then you walked over to the mirror and rested your hands right under the baby bump. A smile spread across your face knowing you were carrying his baby again. You loved having a piece of him inside of you growing into a beautiful life. Soon arms wrapped around you resting on your baby bump.

"I can't wait to find out what we are having. This is our miracle baby." He said as he kissed your neck gently.

You rested your hands over his and leaned into him. "I can't either, but I'll be happy no matter what." You said smiling.

The two of you walked out of the bedroom grabbing the twins and carrying them downstairs. His parents offered to babysit so the two of you could enjoy the ultrasound. Once they arrived both of you hopped in the car and drove to the appointment. As soon as you got there you checked in and sat down next to Ross resting your hands on your small stomach. He got up and kneeled in front of you rubbing and kissing you your stomach gently. A smile spread across your face watching him.

"Ross and Sarah Lynch?" a nurse said opening the door. Ross stood up extending both his hands to help you out of the chair. You followed her into the room. Ross picked you up gently and set you down on the bed next to the ultrasound machine.

"Can you lift your shirt up so we can put some of the jelly on?" the nurse asked. You did as she said, then she turned the screen on and started gliding the stick all around. You could see the baby moving a little. "Do you guys want to know what you are having or do you want to wait?" she asked.

"We want to know." Ross said looking at you sweetly.

The nurse started to really study the screen as she slowly glided the wand around. When she found it a smile spread across her face. "It looks like it's a girl."

You looked at the screen smiling as Ross kissed the top of your head gently. "Alexandria" you whispered.

"I can't wait to meet her." Ross said softly.

"Do you want pictures?" the nurse asked.

"Yes please." You said smiling. She hit the print button a few times.

"The pictures will be at the desk on your way out. Have a great day!" she said smiling as she walked out the door.

Ross helped you wipe the jelly off your stomach. You put your shirt down and walked to the front desk to pick up the ultrasound pictures. When you got into the car you opened the envelope they were in and started looking at them. A smile crept on your face as a couple tears trickled down your cheek. Ross noticed and rested his hand on your thigh gently rubbing his thumb. You looked over at him and saw a smile on his face. Then you placed your hand over his. He gently turned his hand and you laced your fingers with his. He then brought your hand to his lips kissing it multiple times before he gently placed them in his lap. You couldn't help but smile, everything that is happening is making you happy lately. You have the best husband and kids. As soon as you pulled into the driveway you heard laughter coming from the backyard. Once you both got back there you saw the twins in the swings as Stormie and Mark gently pushed them. You couldn't help but smile as Ross came up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Hey you guys are back." Stormie said smiling. "Did you find out what you're having?" she asked curiously.

"Yeah, we're having a girl." You said handing her the pictures from the ultrasound. She smiled as she looked through the pictures.

"This is so exciting! We need more girls in this family." She said laughing.

"I really can't wait to meet her, my little Alexandria." Ross said as his hands moved to your stomach as he kissed your shoulder.

"That is such a beautiful name. Are you having a girl?" Rydel asked walking through the backdoor.

You turned your head to face her smiling as Ross gently kissed your cheek. "Yeah we are."

"Yay! Now I'll have two nieces that I can take shopping!" she said excitedly.

Everyone laughed as they relaxed watching the twins playing.

**5 months later**

Time flew by, the twins turned 2 and you were now at the point where you wanted the baby out. You were so uncomfortable. Ross was outside playing with Elektra and Jonathan. Suddenly you felt some pain, you thought you would wait it out and see how close they got before you yelled for Ross. About 10 minutes later another shot of pain ran through your stomach. You knew at that point they were contractions.

"Ross!" you yelled as you bent over a little.

He came running in with the twins in each arm. He put them down, closing the back door and ran over to you.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

"I think she's coming." You said in between breaths. No sooner your water broke.

"I'll call mom and get the hospital bag." He said running out of the room. About 5 minutes later Stormie and Mark ran in the door. Ross came over to you helping you stand up and walk out to the car. Ross drove as fast as he possibly could, but it didn't feel fast enough, she was coming faster than the twins did. You kept breathing the best you could so it didn't hurt as bad. As soon as you arrived in the parking lot Ross ran to your side of the car, grabbed the bag then picked you up carrying you into the ER. The nurses quickly brought a wheel chair over pushing you to an open room.

**2 hours later**

After a couple hours of pushing she was finally out. The nurses cleaned her up and handed her to you. A smile crept up on your face as you played with her little fingers. You couldn't believe how fast the pregnancy went.

"She's so beautiful, hello Alexandria Rose." You said as you caressed her cheek.

"She's beautiful just like her mother." Ross said as a couple tears trickled down his cheeks kissing the top of your head.

"She's got your nose." You said turning to him and kissing his cheek.

No sooner the family came running in. Stormie and Mark were holding the twins. Rydel was bouncing around like crazy with excitement.

Rydel came over to the other side of your bed looking down at her. "Would it be okay if I hold her?" she asked a little hopeful.

"Of course you can." You said smiling as she leaned over and gently cradled her in her arms.

Stormie was taking pictures of Alexandria and everyone holding her. About a few minutes later I heard a voice echoing down the hall...A voice that I was hoping to never hear again...

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