Chapter 25

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As you arrived at the meeting you received a text from Abby. It had a picture of a few brides’ maids’ dresses she thought you would like. You smiled and told her that you would look at them with her tomorrow. You and Ross walked into the restaurant that the director and Paul had told the two of you to go. As you were following the host you noticed a woman a couple years younger than you sitting at the table with two men. Your eyes widened when you saw who it was.

“What the hell is she doing here?” you asked Ross before approaching the table. He was just as surprised as you were to see her. It was Ross’ ex, Candace.

“I have no clue. I hope she isn’t here for a role in the movie as well.” Ross whispered as approached the table.

Paul stood up and introduced himself to both of you as well as introducing the director. “It’s finally nice to meet you. I’ve seen you on TV and in a couple movies. I am hoping to get to work with you on this next project.” He said cheerfully.”

Candace stood up and walked over to Ross. She pulled him into a hug and practically groped him right in front of you. He tried pulling away, but it was no use she wasn’t letting go. Trying to help him you tried clearing your throat. She turned to face you.

“Oh I’m sorry I didn’t see you there. I’m Candace, I’ll be working with Ross in the movie.” She said with a slightly cocky attitude.

She was really starting to make you mad. You wanted to slug her, but you knew that wouldn’t be good for Ross’ career.

“I’m Sarah, Ross’ fiancée and the mother of his babies.” You said in the same tone. She was taken back a bit. She wasn’t expecting you to respond. You grabbed Ross’ hand and intertwined your fingers with his. Candace looked down at your hand and saw the ring. You could tell she was fuming with jealousy. Ross pulled your chair out so you could sit and then he sat down as well.

Things were looking really good for Ross. He practically had the part in his lap. Then Paul looked over at you again slightly confused. Then he spoke up.

“You look really familiar. Did you work for a guy named Mitch at a photography company?”

He caught you by surprise which made you slightly choke on your food. Once you regained yourself you responded.

“Yes I did. Now I have my own company with a couple of friends in our basement thanks to Ross.” You said smiling as you placed your hand on his lap. He looked over at you smiling as he rested his hand over yours.

“I’ve seen your work. You’re phenomenal. Would you be interested in doing promotional shots for Fast & Furious? I can’t seem to find anyone with real talent.”

You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Paul Walker was one of your favorite actors and now he wants to work with you and your husband to be.

“Definitely! Here’s the number to make an appointment. I’ll make sure the shoot is done properly.” You replied handing him a business card. You caught a glance out of the corner of your eye. Candace was looking at you with rage and pure jealousy. So to try and get revenge she edged her seat closer to Ross and started rubbing her hand on his thigh. You could tell he was getting uncomfortable. The director and Paul excused themselves for a few moments leaving the three of you alone. So you decided to piss her off even more. You grabbed Ross’ face and brought him closer to you. He knew what you were doing and no sooner he smashes his lips to yours. He placed his hand on the back of your neck to deepen the kiss. You weren’t going to let that slut take the one true man that made you happy away from you.

She tried clearing her throat to get both of your attention, but it didn’t work. Instead you somehow ended up on Ross’ lap without breaking the kiss. When things started to get heated you slowly pulled away smiling and leaned your forehead against his.

“If you ever hit on Ross again, especially when I am around you’ll regret it. You had your chance a while back and blew it. He’s with me now and if anyone tries to get between us all hell will break loose. Trust me you do not want to see that side of me.”

Ross was getting turned on by how you were reacting to Candace. You could feel his hand rubbing up and down your thigh. Candace looked at you in shock, unsure of how to respond. As she was about to get up and leave Paul and the director came back. You sat back down in the seat next to Ross with your hand on his leg.

“Ross we definitely want you for the part. The script is still being worked on. We will do our best to hold production until the two of you are settled with the babies and your wedding. We know what it’s like. We will do what we can to accommodate you and your fiancée so you can be there for the babies as much as possible. Will you accept the offer?” the director asked as he slowly started to extend his hand towards Ross.

He looked over at you for approval before he took it. He didn’t want to do anything without you. You nodded and smiled assuring him that you’re okay with it. He stood up and shook the directors’ hand. “I accept. Thank you for being so flexible with us. It’s greatly appreciated.” Ross said enthusiastically.

Not long after you leaned on Ross resting your head on his arm and grabbing his hand. He looked down at you and half smiled knowing that you’re tired. Both of you said your goodbyes and you made one last glare at Candace, Ross picked you up bridal style and carried you to the limo. As you were falling asleep on Ross’ lap you knew that wouldn’t be the last time you had to deal with Candace…

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