Chapter 35

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Once the plane landed Ross got all of your bags while you took care of the rental car. You made sure that you got a convertible mustang. It was your dream car. They pulled it around front and Ross loaded the bags into the trunk. He took the keys and hopped into the drivers’ seat.

About 20 minutes later you arrived at the hotel. You sent a text to Abby and his parents letting them know you arrived safely. As you approached your room you opened your door and looked around. You could tell they weren’t kidding when they said this was the honeymoon suite. You saw a balcony ahead of you so you walked over and opened the door. The cool clean air hitting you in the face made you smile. The view was beautiful, the blue ocean hitting the shore line and the palm trees set in just the right places. Ross came up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder.

“Like what you see? It’s so breath taking isn’t it?” he said as he kissed your shoulder.

You placed your arms over his and replied, “It’s beyond breath taking. It’s just so peaceful to look at.”

You leaned your head against his shoulder and relaxed into his body. He pulled you closer to him and held you tightly. This was a moment you never wanted to end, wishing it could stay like this forever. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Ross walked over and answered it.

“Champagne and chilled wine for the newlyweds. Compliments of the hotel.” The concierge said pushing the cart into the room. As he walked out the door Ross gave the man a tip. You walked over and looked at the wine. It was your favorite, Rosato Blush. It was a sweet, delicious white wine. You decided to open it and pour yourself a glass and then pour one for Ross. You walked back over to the balcony and leaned against the railing holding the glass in your hand taking small sips. Ross followed suit and wrapped his free arm around you kissing your cheek.

“I think this is the best wine I’ve ever tasted.” Ross said taking another sip.

“Mhmm, it’s my favorite. I haven’t had it in so long.” taking a sip as well.

Slowly you felt his hand drifted up your shirt a little. It didn’t bother you at this point since you’re now married and plus no one can see. You took your free hand and slid it up his shirt as well tracing his abs. Once you finished your glass you put it down on the table placing your other hand under his shirt as well. He put his glass down as you slid his shirt off of him. You started slowly kissing him from his chest down to wear his pants started causing him to breathe heavier. Finally he just picked you up carrying you over to the bed. He couldn’t take anymore teasing. Once he dropped you on the bed he slowly hovered over you sliding his hands up your shirt again and then taking it off. You never saw this side of him before. The two of you normally just got right to it, but this time he wanted to tease you a little beforehand. At this point you knew this honeymoon was going to be the best vacation you ever had.

**Next Day**                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     You woke up to the sunshine coming through the balcony door. Your head was still resting against Ross’ chest with his arm holding you close. Instead of getting up to take a shower like you normally did you just laid there gently tracing his abs with your fingers. You kept thinking about what happened last night and a smile spread widely across your face. Knowing you wouldn’t trade last night for anything. Soon you felt him stir. He slowly opened up his eyes as you looked up at him. A smile spread across his face as he pulled you closer kissing the top of your head.

“Morning baby.” You said as you leaned up kissing him on the cheek.

He leaned his forehead against yours, “So what did you have in mind for today?” he asked as he intertwined his fingers with yours.

“Hmmm, maybe we could do some sight-seeing, lying out on the beach, taking some pictures.” You answered as you nestled your head into his chest.

“Sounds good to me.” He said as he slowly sat up in bed.

A few minutes later the two of you got out of bed and got ready for the day. You decided to wear your bikini with a pair of shorts overtop of the bottom. He wore a muscle shirt and his tight swimming trunks which showed off his butt. Then the two of you ate breakfast, and then you grabbed your camera and spent the rest of the week having the time of your life with the love of your life.

**A Week Later**

The two of you walk through the door of your home. You look around trying to find Ross’ parents. Finally you walk into the living room and see them on the floor playing with your babies. The two of you walk up behind the couch as Stormie looks up smiling.

“Welcome home!” she stands up and hugs you. “How was your honeymoon?” she asks as she pulls away.

“It was amazing! Then again it would be amazing no matter where we went as long as it was with Sarah.” Ross answers as he kisses the top of your head.

You kneel down to see your daughter, she looked up at you smiling and giggling. You smiled back at her as you picked her up. Ross looked down at Elektra and started tickling her stomach.

“Who missed their daddy? You did! I sure missed you.” Ross said in a high pitched voice as he stole her from your arms, raising her a little bit above his head lightly rubbing his nose to hers. All she did was laugh and smile.

Mark stood up holding Jonathon, and then handed him to you. You tickled his tummy a little causing him to smile at you. It felt so good to be home again, your family felt complete. Stormie and Mark left, and then the two of you put the twins down for a nap so you could unpack your clothes. As Ross was unpacking he started repacking. He had to leave in a couple days for the movie. You were dreading it because you would be home alone with the twins for two to three months. You were finally starting your life as a couple, as parents and it just didn’t feel right when you were away from each other. As you were thinking about it you felt a tear roll down your cheek, you ran to the bathroom really fast so Ross didn’t see. No sooner you heard a knock on the door.

“Baby, are you okay?” he asked with concern in his voice.

You clean up trying to fight the tears. You didn’t want him to see you upset over something like this since you knew how hard it already was for him to go. He jiggles the doorknob a little, and then you heard him picking the lock. He finally gets the door open. As he steps in he sees the tear stains on your face that you were trying to hide. He quickly pulls you into a hug as you burry your face into his chest. He kisses the top of your head and leans his head on your shoulder. At that point he knew why you were crying. He just held you there and ran his fingers through your hair. As he slowly pulled away he held your face in his hands wiping the tears with his thumbs. He leans in and kisses you soft, but rough. You look into his hazel eyes falling deep into them as you did when you first met. A smile spreads across your face knowing that you had to be strong and remember that it’s only temporary that he will be away.

“I love you. I’ll do everything I can to come back as soon as possible. I don’t want to be away from you or my children any longer than needed.” He whispered leaning his head against yours.

At this point you were determined to make the best of these next couple days with him. You were determined to make these days something for him to remember.

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