Chapter 49

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You pulled up in the driveway to see a tall brunette standing by the door waiting for you guys to come home. Ross got out of the van first motioning for you to stay there. You did as you were told and he walked over to her.

“What do you want Cassie? Haven’t you caused enough trouble for one night?” Ross asked slightly annoyed.

“Rossy bear didn’t you miss me?” she said rubbing her hands up and down his chest.

Ross backed up, “No I didn’t, and honestly I never will. Please leave. My wife and I would like to get to bed.” Ross said as he started walking back over to the van. Cassie grabbed his arm and spun him back around. Her face was inches from his. No matter how hard he tried to pull away she had a death grip on his arm. She leaned in about to kiss him. You got out of the van and ran over to where they were. You got behind her and pulled her by the hair. She fell on her butt and looked up at you. A grin spread across her face.

“Well, well, well if it isn’t the slut that trapped Ross into marrying her because she got pregnant.” She said getting up off the ground.

At that point you were fuming but you also knew Ross was by the way he was looking at her. You grabbed her by the shirt till she was inches from your face.

“What the hell did you just say?” you asked about ready to punch her.

“You heard me. If it wasn’t for you I would probably have all four lynch boys wrapped around my finger. But you had to come around and ruin everything. Well I got part of my revenge tonight by sabotaging Riker’s relationship with that hoe, and now to get the rest of it.” She said as her fist went flying to your stomach.

When you realized what was happening it was too late. You were on the ground holding your stomach in the area the baby was. Tears were streaming down your face as pain rushed through your body. At this point Ross was furious. He got his phone out and called the cops as well as an emergency squad. Cassie tried to get away, but Rocky caught her and pinned her to the ground till the cops arrived. Ross ran to your side and held you in his arms trying to ease the pain. Tears started to roll down his face when he realized the baby could be gone.

“Baby it’s going to be okay. Our baby boy is going to make it, he has to make it.” Ross said sobbing while hold you.

All you could do is cry and hold your stomach. The pain was unbearable to even try to speak. The ambulance arrived placing you on the gurney. Ross got in with you as Abby and Rocky followed the ambulance in his car. Ross holds your hand as the paramedics treat you on the way there.

“I love you baby, we’ll pull through this.” You whisper in his ear as you run your fingers through his hair.

He looked down at you trying to smile. He grabbed your hand and held it tightly as if he was afraid of not just losing the baby but also losing you. Finally the ambulance arrived at the hospital. The EMT’s rushed you into the ER with Ross by your side the whole time. The doctors ran tests and did an ultrasound. They pushed you into a room waiting for the results. Ross stayed at your side the whole time. He even laid next to you in the bed holding you close with tears still running down his cheeks. You looked up at him reaching your hand to his face gently wiping the tears. Then you leaned up and pressed your lips against his. When he pulled away he leaned his forehead against yours.

“Baby, you won’t lose me, I promise.” You whisper as you look into his eyes.

“What about the baby?” he said sniffling as he placed his hand on your stomach.

“I don’t know. I really hope not. His life is precious to me too. I would do anything to protect him.” You say as you bury your face into his chest.

He pulled you closer to him burying his face into your shoulder. “I know you would baby. I promise she won’t get away with this no matter what happens.” He whispered as he ran his fingers through your hair.

About an hour later the doctor finally walked into the room. Both of you sat up anxiously hoping for some good news. Ross grabbed your hand lacing your fingers together tightly.

“We have the results right here.” The doctor said opening the folder. “Well Sarah you will be fine. She didn’t do any damage to you what so ever when she hit you. Now the baby on the other hand, umm, I’m not sure how to word this but here it goes…”

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