Chapter 45

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**3 months later**

Today was the day you and Ross were going to find out what you were having. You’re now 4 months along and have a little baby bump. While you were getting ready for the doctors’ appointment you looked in the full length mirror placing your hands on and underneath your stomach. A smile spread across your face, you never pictured your life like this, but you couldn’t be happier. Soon you felt arms wrap around you resting on your belly. You look in the mirror to see Ross smiling as he leans to kiss your cheek.

“I can’t wait to find out what we’re having today. All I know is that I’ll be happy either way.” He said kneeling in front of you placing his hands on either side of your belly and planting little kisses all over.

“Same here.” You say smiling and running your fingers through his tousled blonde hair.

He looks up at you smiling then places one last kiss on your belly. Ross stands up keeping one hand on your belly and placing the other on your cheek caressing it with his thumb. He leans down pressing his lips against yours gently as he leans his forehead against yours.

“I love you so much baby. You and our kids are my world. I’d be lost without all of you.” Ross plants a kiss on your temple as he grabs your hand lacing your fingers together as he leads you out of the bedroom downstairs to the kitchen.

The two of you ate breakfast then gathered the twins and headed to the van. Ross put both of the twins in the back, and then opened the door so you could get in. He closed the door and got in the driver’s seat. It was the first time in a while that all of the family went for a drive anywhere. After he backs out of the driveway and heads towards the doctors’ office Ross reaches over and laces your fingers with his. A smile spreads across your face as you place your free hand on your stomach. About 10 minutes later Ross pulled into the parking lot. As you get out of the van he grabs both of the twins’ car seats. You checked in with the receptionist then sat down next to Ross while playing with the twins.

“Sarah Lynch, the doctor will see you now.” The nurse said holding the door open. Ross helps you up from your seat then grabs the twins. You follow her to the examination room. Then you sit on the table waiting for the doctor to come in. You pick Elle up out of her car seat and played with her. Laughs and giggles filled the room between Jonathon and Elle.

“Good morning Sarah. How are you feeling today?” the doctor asked as he entered the room.

“Pretty good.” You say as you hand Elle back to Ross.

“These must be the twins I delivered almost a year ago. They’re beautiful. Now lie back a little and lift up your shirt. We’re going to see what you and Ross are having.” He says as he moves the ultra sound machine by the bed.

You lean back and squirm a little as the cold jelly is placed on your belly. He glides the wand slowly as he examines the baby. You look over at Ross seeing him smile while looking at the screen so you reach over placing your hand over his lightly rubbing your thumb up and down. You look back over at the screen as you see for yourself what you’re having.

“So do you want to know?” the doctor asks looking over at the two of you. The both of you shake your head up and down in unison. “You are having another boy. Congratulations!” He says smiling. He gets up and prints a couple pictures from the ultra sound and hands them to you. “Your baby boy is healthy so you’re free to go whenever you’re ready.” He says right before leaving the room.

You wipe off your belly then pull your shirt down. Then you pick up the pictures and look at them as Ross straps the twins in their car seats. Suddenly you feel arms wrap around you and Ross’ chin leaning on your shoulder. He gently rubs his hands on your belly while looking at the pictures.

“I can’t wait to meet this little guy.”  He says while kissing your cheek.

“Me either.” You place your hand on his cheek turning him to face you. His nose gently rubs against yours as you slowly press your lips to his. He smiles into the kiss which causes you to smile. A few minutes later you all of you headed back to the van and went back home.

As he pulled into the driveway you began thinking about how you and Ross haven’t had much alone time lately since you’ve been crazy with photo shoots while he was taking care of the twins and working on music for the band. You knew it was only going to get harder once the new baby came and even crazier when Rocky & Abby’s wedding got closer. You needed to figure things out quick so the two of you could have a date night or something. Ross turned to look at you after he grabbed the twins out of the van. He could tell something was up.

“Baby what’s wrong? You were quiet the whole way home.” He asked with a concerned look as he walked to the front door.

As you walked inside you placed the twins in the playpen then turned to Ross. “I was thinking how we haven’t had much time alone in the last few months between both of our jobs and taking care of the twins. It’s only going to get crazier once this little guy comes and the wedding gets closer. I miss you.” you say wrapping your arms around his waist and leaning your head against his chest.

He returns the embrace resting his head on yours. “I miss you too. I’ll see if I can find someone to take the twins overnight so it can be just us. I need time with my baby.” He gently places a kiss on your forehead then slightly pulls away rubbing your arms up and down. “So what did you have in mind for us to do?” he asks as he leads you over to sit on the couch with him.

You snuggle up next to him grabbing one of his hands lacing your fingers with his and resting your legs across his lap. “I don’t know. I didn’t really get that far. At this point as long as I’m with you it doesn’t matter.” You say smiling as you nestle your head into the crook of his neck.

He held you closely as he started singing softly. It was the song the two of you worked on a few months ago. The sound of his voice was soothing which made you smile. You really missed this. You moved in closer to him if that was even possible. He finally moved you onto his lap as you let your body melt into his. He caressed your arm slowly as you wrapped your arms around him.

Ross finally spoke up after he finished singing. “Well we didn’t get to do anything for our anniversary of when we first met so we could reenact some of it.” He chuckled.

“Well it depends on what parts you want to reenact.” You looked up at him with a smirk.

“Hmmm maybe we could do the photo shoot and what we did the second night I spent at your place?” he said returning the gaze.

“Oh? What kind of photo shoot were you thinking of?” you ask as you reach your hand to his face caressing his cheek.

“Well I could be shirtless to show off my abs and possibly just in my boxers.” He said winking at you which made you laugh.

“If that’s the case then I would be the only one seeing those pictures.” You say as you close the space between your faces.

“That’s kind of the point.” He winked once more as he closed the space pressing his lips on yours. You moved so you were more comfortable placing a leg on each side and your arms around his neck without breaking the kiss. His arms went around your back pulling you as close as he can to his body. After a few minutes he pulled away slowly as you rested your head against his smiling. “I guess that’s what we’re doing.” He said with a slight chuckle. You nodded as you gently kissed him once more.

“Sounds like an amazing night.” You said smiling as you got up off him to go check on the twins. He quickly grabbed your hand causing you to turn around to face him.

“Where are you going baby?” he asked with a slight pout.

“To go check on the babies in the playpen. It got really quiet over there.” You said squeezing his hand.

“They’re probably sleeping. They always get that quiet around this time every day for a nap.” He said with a reassuring smile.

“I know, but I still want to check on them anyway.” You say as you let go of his hand. You walk over to the playpen and see something you weren’t expecting.

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