Chapter 23

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The next morning you got up and looked over to see Ross sleeping, he looked so peaceful. You went and took a shower since your first day with the new business started today. Excitement ran through you as you knew who you were going to be shooting today. Once you were ready you could smell something good being made in the kitchen. As soon as you stepped in there you saw Ross as you used to at your old house making eggs, bacon and potatoes. You walked over and wrapped your arms around his waist from behind and kissed his back.

He turned his head slightly to see you, “Morning baby, hope you slept well.” He grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it.

“I did, I had you next to me.” You look up at him and smiled. You walked over to the cabinet, got a couple plates out and set the table for the 2 of you. No sooner there was a knock at the door. You answered it, it was October and Ryan here early for work.

“Hey you guys! You’re early haha.” They just laughed and walked to the basement to get an early start. You walk back into the kitchen and eat your breakfast with Ross.

“While you’re working I’ll make a few calls to get a wedding planner so you don’t have to worry about it. I’ll even get my mom to help out with the planning. The less stress for you the better.” He said getting up and kissing your cheek. You just smiled at him and put your dish in the sink.

“Thank you baby. I can’t wait to marry you.” you say as you hug him and go to the basement to work.

*4 hours later*

All three of you worked on photo shoots left and right for hours. Now you’re all sitting at your desks editing the pictures that were taken. You decided to get some air and went upstairs. You were about to go out the door when you heard Ross on the phone.

“Is there any way you could help us get a wedding together in about 2 months or so? …. If I have to I’ll pay top dollar, my fiancé deserves the best. …. Thank you so much. I greatly appreciate it.”

You catch his glance and he slumps down on the couch running his hands through his hair. You walk up behind him and start giving him a shoulder rub then kiss his cheek. He grabbed your hands and held you there. You kiss the top of his head. You could tell he had a stressful morning, so you walk around, sit down and motion for him to rest on your lap. At first he was hesitant, but after a few minutes of being persistent he caved. You started running your fingers through his hair and intertwined your fingers with your free hand with his. He started to relax, and then he looked up at you with a smile.

“Well I finally got someone to take on the challenge of planning a wedding in the time frame we want it. Her name is Michelle. She’s planned some of the biggest weddings in Hollywood. She said she’ll stop by tomorrow afternoon. I hope this doesn’t get too stressful for you.” he said rubbing your stomach. You saw concern cross his face, he didn’t want you to lose the baby or for the baby to come too early.

“Baby don’t worry, it’ll all work out. If I feel the least bit stressed I’ll let your mom, Rydel or Abby take over. They know what we like.” You reassure him. You kept playing with his hair as he played with your hand. The news was slowly processing in your mind when you heard your phone ringing. You reached over to the table next to you to see your ex calling you. Your eyes bugged out, but you answered anyway.


“Hey Sarah, I saw you’re engaged to Ross Lynch from R5 and Austin & Ally.”

“Yeah I am and I am really happy.” You said smiling down at Ross.

“Oh, well you didn’t look too happy in the picture that I saw. You, Ross and 2 other people were at a restaurant and in the picture you look like you want out.” He said trying to pry and get under your skin. He was always good at that.

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