Chapter 13

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First stop of the night was a nice candle light dinner on the terrace of the hotel he was supposed to be staying at. It was so beautiful. The stars light up the sky in just the right accents. The two of you talked and laughed for hours. Then he took you to the surprise that he told you about. It was a moonlight walk on the beach alone hand in hand enjoying the stars. You started to get a little cold. He noticed and took off his jacket so you could cover your arms.

Looking at the stars you snuggled up to him as he wrapped you in his arms trying to keep you warm. Not much later he took you home. Walking you to your door, you start to take off his jacket to give it back to him, but he gestured for you to keep it so could have something of his. He leaned down and kissed you then took off one of his guitar pick necklaces and placed it around your neck.

“This is my way of showing guys that you’re taken. No one else is allowed to have you.” He said as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You rested your hands on his chest and kissed the tip of his nose which made him laugh a little.

“You’re hot when you get protective.’ You giggle as you hold him close. He tightens his grip and rests his head on yours.

A few minutes later you heard the front door open and saw Abby sitting there. You look up at Ross, kiss him good night and walk inside. You turn to face him before you close the door and smile.

“I’ll text you tomorrow baby. Sleep good tonight.” He said before he stepped off your porch and went home. After closing the door you leaned against it and smiled. Tonight was the most romantic date you’ve ever been on. He treated you like a princess all the way to the end. Abby noticed the stupid smirk on your face.

“Was the date that good?” she said laughing. “Oh you have no idea.” You laughed. The 2 of you sat on the couch talking about each other’s day with the boys. Neither of you thought guys like them could exist since your past relationships sucked majorly. Both of you went to get ready for bed since it was getting late. You decided to text him before you went to bed even though he said he would text you in the morning.

“Hey baby, just thought I’d let you know I really enjoyed tonight. I never felt anything this real until I met you. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow. I already miss you. Sleeping tonight is going to feel so empty without you there. Sleep tight. Love Your Dirty Little Secret <3”

You put your phone down and lay in your bed staring at the ceiling missing him next to you holding you and keeping you safe while you sleep. You thought to yourself, ‘I wish I could show the world how much he means to me.  How happy he makes me. I wish my job wasn’t so complicated.’ A tear ran down your cheek, it killed you to keep your relationship with him secret. One day you’ll get to show him off you thought, one day. You slowly dosed off, dreaming about Ross.

You wake up the next morning to a text from Ross. You sat up and opened the text.

“Hey baby, I need to come over and talk to you. When I got home my band told me that we’re going on a surprise tour. I need you, I miss you. I wish that I didn’t have to leave or that you could come with me. Let me know when it’s okay for me to come over. I just want to hold you and cry. Love your dirty little secret <3”

You look at your phone unsure of how to react. Thinking you had all this time with him, you get slammed with sad news. After a few minutes you reply to him.

“Hey you, you can come over whenever you’re ready. I wish you didn’t have to leave either. I want to hold you too. You’re my everything <3 Love your dirty little secret <3”

Finally you got out of bed and got changed. You didn’t bother putting on make-up since you’ll probably end up crying.  You were praying that it was a dream, could it be?

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