Chapter 24

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You woke up the next morning and looked next to you to see where Ross was laying empty. Usually he was still sleeping when you woke up. After you got out of bed you went right to the shower instead of going downstairs like you normally do. About an hour went by and you were most of the way ready for the day you went downstairs. Ross was by the stove making breakfast, shirtless as usual. He felt more comfortable with less clothing on. For some reason you couldn’t bring yourself to go up behind him and wrap your arms around him as you normally do. It bothered you that you were feeling like this. It wasn’t like you at all. You sat down at the table and buried your face in your arms.

“Baby, are you okay?” Ross asked with concern in his voice.

“Hormones suck…” you answered. He came over behind you and started rubbing your shoulders. You sat up and tilted your head to look at him. He had a sympathetic smile which caused you to smile. No matter how you’re feeling he’s always so good to you. This put you in a better mood knowing he wanted to help you get out of that funk. You rested your hand on his and your head against his stomach. He leaned down and kissed the top of your head.

“I can’t wait to find out what we are having today. I think this is one of the best parts besides helping create the baby and holding the baby when they’re born.” He said as he brought your breakfast over to you. You just looked up at him and smiled. He just seemed to know what to say without putting too much thought into it which amazed you at times.  

**30 minutes later**

The two of you were in the waiting room waiting for your appointment with the doctor. You’ve only been there for 5 minutes but it felt like an eternity to you because you for some reason just wanted to get this over with. For some reason pregnancy wasn’t your best friend today. You’re hoping that this is a onetime thing because it wouldn’t be fair to Ross or the baby.

“Ross and Sarah Lynch.” The nurse called. Ross looked over at you and smiled which caused you to smile.

“I like the way that sounds.” Ross whispered as he grabbed your hand and followed the nurse to the room.

Once the two of you reached the room you lay down on the bed and then lifted up your shirt so your belly was showing. The doctor put the jelly on your belly then started slowly gliding the ultrasound reader. Looking over at Ross you see a smile spread across his face and a tear trickle down his cheek. You reached over and wiped the tear away with your thumb. He looked over at you and kissed your forehead. Then the two of you looked back at the screen and noticed that there was more than one image where the doctor was gliding.

“So I hear 2 heart beats and I see two babies growing.” The doctor said with a smile.

You and Ross looked at each other in shock. The two of you were only ready for one baby not two. The question you had a day or so ago was answered as to why your stomach was growing faster than normal.

“Would you like to know the sex of your twins?” the doctor asked. The two of you nodded in unison. “You’re having a boy and a girl. Congratulations. I’ll leave the ultra sound pictures at the desk upfront for the two of you to pick up on your way out. Take your time.” He said with a smile before he left the room.

The two of you sat in silence while you wiped the jelly off of you. You were trying to wrap your head around the fact you are going to be a mother of 2 instead of one. Plus that would mean you may have to wait until the babies are born now to get married. Since you are getting bigger faster than you thought, a dress won’t fit since you would have to have it altered so many times. Tears started to trickle down your face at the thought of having to wait. You wanted to marry Ross before they were born. Finally Ross broke the silence.

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