Chapter 4

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Arriving at work you wonder how today is going to go. Is it going to be a long boring day of “paper work” or will there be a photo shoot to do. You walk into the office that you and October shared she looked up at you with a big smile on her face. Looking at her in confusion you ask, “What’s with the smile? Did something good happen before I got here?”

She stood up, “A music video director called Mitch asking if they could have you be in R5’s video today. Mitch actually agreed and said that you’re allowed to go.”

Standing there unsure of how to react October embraces you in a hug. “Girl this is huge! Don’t pass it up! Go!” She pushed you out the door and you saw Mitch standing right in front of you.

“So I’m guessing you already heard the news?” He asked with a smile. That really shocked you because he rarely ever smiled about anything.

“Y-yes sir, October just told me.” You were scared, you never saw him act like this before.

“Then why are you still standing here, go and have fun!” Mitch was practically pushing you out the door.

When you got outside you saw a limo sitting in front of the building. The driver got out and came around to you opening the door. “You must be Sarah. I’m going to be taking you to the music video shoot.”  You got in the limo as he closed the door behind you. You were excited to see Ross again, but nervous about being in front of a camera. About an hour later the limo stopped, and then your door opened. The scenery was beautiful. Whoever did the landscaping did a phenomenal job. Out of nowhere you felt 2 arms embrace you from behind. Knowing it was Ross you lay your hands over his and wrap them tighter around your waist. Letting go you turn to face him, he had the biggest smile on his face.

“Baby I’m so glad you’re here. I really missed you.” He wraps his arms around you and buries his face in your shoulder.

“I missed you too.” You say as you bury your face into his chest taking in his cologne. Both you and Ross stayed there for a few until Riker came over and coughed.

“You do know we can see you 2 and if her boss comes your secret is out.” Riker said with concern. He didn’t want you or Ross to get in trouble.

Both of you pulled apart and walked over to where the cameras were set up. You started to freak out a bit. Ross noticed and grabbed your hand, rubbing his thumb on the back of it like he did at the shoot. It was his way of reassuring you that everything was going to be okay.

One of the make-up artists came over to you to get you ready for the first scene you and Ross will shoot. Then a wardrobe artist came over and walked you over to a trailer. When you walk out Ross turns around and becomes speechless. Your blond hair had beach waves, smokey eye make-up and his favorite color lip color on a girl, red. You had shorts and a baby tee with a guitar on it. You walk over to him and wait for the director to tell you 2 what you’re doing.

Ross leans over and whispers, “You look really sexy, I don’t know if I’ll be able to contain myself.”

Your cheeks get red, trying to hide it with your hair the best you can. Riker and his love interest finish their scene. The director turns around and comes over to you two.

“Hi you must be Sarah. I don’t know if Ross told you, but the music video is called Forget About You. You and Ross will be strapped in those harnesses for the first scene you have together. This part will be put with the bridge where they sing ‘Which way is up, which way is down, Can’t stop this room from spinning round, I’m floating high, high off the ground…’ ” The director said pointing straight ahead. Your eyes widened and you really started freaking out on the inside. You were freaking out so much that Ross was able to tell something was up. The director walked away and Ross turned to you.

“Baby, are you okay? Your face is pale like you’ve seen a ghost.”  

You look down, then back up at Ross. He grabs your hands and rubs the back of them with his thumb which slowly calms you down.

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