Chapter 2

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*Two days later*

You were sitting around at work editing the pictures from the R5 shoot. You couldn’t stop smiling since you and Ross started secretly dating. But a frown came upon your face as soon as you realized that you haven’t heard from Ross since the shoot. He was supposed to take you out on a date in about 2 days and you were starting to get worried. You finished up the editing and handed the disc to your partner, October so she could approve and send them to your boss Mitch.

You started walking to the stairs when you felt your phone go off. You look down to see a text from Ross. A smile spread on your lips and your cheeks started getting a little red.

“Hey babe, sorry I haven’t talked to you since the shoot. Things got crazy with rehearsals and interviews. I miss you and I hope we are still on for Saturday. Love your dirty little secret ;)”

You were reading the message and forgot that you were still at work. Ryan saw you with that stupid smirk on your face.

“What’s that smile for?” Ryan asked. You snapped out of your thoughts and looked up. “Oh nothing just got a text from someone I haven’t heard from in a while.” While it was true you hated lying to her, she was one of your close friends. It drove you nuts that you couldn’t tell her about Ross. “Well I got to head out, got to go shopping.” You smiled at Ryan as you head out the door. When you got in the stair well you replied to Ross.

“Hey there ;) It is okay and I really miss you too. We are definitely still on for Saturday. I miss being in your arms.  Love your dirty little secret ;)”

You hit send and walked to your car. When you looked at your windshield you saw a rose with a card on it. You looked down at the card and saw it was from Ross. A smile drew on your face once more. Just the thought of him made you happy even though you 2 were the only ones that knew about the relationship. Well at least for now.

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