Chapter 19

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Mitch comes running into your office with “exciting” news for you and October. You sit there nervous, unsure of how you are going to tell Mitch you’re Ross’ fiancé.

“Sarah, I need you to do me a favor. You need to get a picture of Ross Lynch and his fiancé. News came in from every magazine and they all want pictures.” He says with a huge smile.

You look down and mumble, “I can’t.” he looks at you a bit confused. “Excuse me?” he says a bit aggravated.  You repeat yourself. “I can’t.”

Now he was furious. “Why the hell not? It’s not like it’s you he’s engaged to!” he screams. You look down at the floor again. He puts his hands to his bald head, “You’ve got to be kidding me right now! Answer me! Is it you or someone you know?” he questioned.

“Well, um, I’m his fiancé.” You said almost in tears. You knew at that point that your job was gone. You look up at him and his face was all red he flew out the door without a word. Slowly you grabbed a box and started packing your things. You felt a hand on your shoulder, turning around you face October. She embraced you in a hug as both of you started crying. She pulled away.

“Don’t worry, maybe he’ll make an exception and let you work here. We can’t afford to lose you.” She said in between sobs.

“I honestly doubt he will. I lied to him right to his face when he asked if Ross and I were together. I’ll be glad if he doesn’t blackmail me in the photography circuit.” You said as you finished packing up your stuff. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door, you turn around to see Ross standing there. You wipe the tears from your eyes trying to hide that you were crying. He came over to you and held you close. You buried your face in his chest muffling the tears. He strokes your hair trying to calm you down.

“Baby what’s wrong?” he says as he pulls you away far enough to look you in the eyes.

“Mitch found out about us because he asked me to take a picture of you and your new fiancé. I told him I couldn’t and why. He flipped out a bit and walked out of the room. I’ll be lucky if I have a job at the end of the day.” He wiped the tears away from your cheeks and kissed you.

“Let me go have a talk with him. I can’t let my baby lose her job because of me.” He said as he kissed your forehead and walked out of your office.

You sat there nervously waiting for Ross to come back to your office. You hoped that your job was still intact or you wouldn’t be able to own your house anymore. October was trying to help keep you calm until Ross came back. It feels like it’s been hours even though it’s only been about 10 minutes. Finally you see him round the corner into your office. You were unsure of what happened with the look on his face.

“Did he calm down?” you asked a little scared.

He looked down at you lifting up your chin to look in your eyes. “Well, I tried to reason with him. He won’t black mail your name, but he’s letting you go.”

You felt your heart sink and tears started rolling down your face. Just because you date a client who is now your fiancé and the father of your baby you lose one of the best things that ever happened to you. He wrapped his arms around you as fast as he saw the tears. He held you tightly feeling like he was the one at fault. October got up and whispered in your ear.

“You know what we’ll start our own studio. I don’t want to work for someone who is going to let one of his best photographers go because a stupid rule that shouldn’t even be there was broken.” She walked out the door and told Mitch he was not losing just one good photographer but 2. He was furious and when Ryan found out you were let go she quit as well. All 3 of you were going to start your own studio and generate business the right way. Everyone packed their things and walked out. Ross carried your stuff for you since you’re pregnant. For once in your life you actually felt free.

Ross spoke up after some silence, “You know what the band is going to pull out of that company. I can’t keep getting my pictures done at a place that’s going to let an amazing photographer go like that. R5 is going to get pictures done by a company who deserves it. We’ll buy a new house and create a studio in the basement this way when our little one is here it’ll make your life easier.” He said smiling.

You couldn’t believe what he just said, but he had a really good idea and you wanted to go with it. But then you thought about Abby, where would she live? The house where you and Abby live now would be too much on her own. You looked up at Ross concerned.

“Where would Abby live? We can’t just leave her to take care of the house by herself.” He looked down at you and smiled. “Don’t worry there’s a guest house behind the house I was looking at. She can live there and we can sell the house you two share.”

You couldn’t help but smile, he thought of everything before you even knew what today was going to bring. And he claimed he was the luckiest guy ever, scratch that you were the luckiest woman ever. He was so good to you. He took you to the house he was looking at. It was perfect. You went to look at the basement and it was the perfect size for a studio. You went out back and looked at the guest house. At that point you knew Abby would love it. You ran back inside.

“This house is perfect! Please tell me you placed a bid on the house?” you said hopeful.

He grabbed your waist and pulled you as close as he could. “Would you be okay if I already bought it?” he said with a smile. You wrapped your arms around his neck and smiled. You couldn’t wait to get back to your old home to tell Abby the good news and start packing to begin your new life. 

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