Chapter 64

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That voice was the one and only Cassie. As soon as Riker heard her he stepped in front of the doorway so she couldn't get in and hurt anyone else. He furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his arms over his chest glaring at her.

"What the hell do you want?" Riker asked.

"I just came to see if Sarah had Aaron's baby is all." She answered with a smirk.

This made you furious. If she even paid attention to the time period she would realize that there was a big time gap between the rape and when Ross and I went away overnight at the hotel.

"The baby is not Aaron's! There's too big of a time gap from when she was conceived to when Aaron raped me. Plus if you look at her then look at Ross you can see she has his nose." You said getting angrier by the minute.

She looked over at Alex then over to Ross. A smirk played on her face once more. "I just don't see it. Honestly she looks like Aaron."

Instead of answering her you hit the button for a nurse. Soon two of them walked in. "Is everything okay Mrs. Lynch?" the one nurse asked sweetly.

"Can you have her removed from the hospital? She's harassing us. Also make sure she does not enter this hospital until I am able to go home? I don't want her anywhere near my family." You stated looking at the nurse firmly.

"Sure thing," the nurse turned to Cassie, "Ma'am you're going to have to come with me. From this moment on you are not allowed inside the hospital until Mrs. Lynch is no longer here."

Cassie's mouth dropped in shock, "Are you freaking kidding me? You can't just have me removed from a hospital. It's a government owned facility!"

"Yes I can, because we have a restraining order against you and Candace. You are no longer allowed within a mile of anyone in this very room." You answered firmly.

The nurses called for security since Cassie was giving the nurses a hard time. The one guard who was at least 5 times the size of Ross picked her up over his shoulder and carried her out. We all started laughing once she was out of earshot.

Rydel looked back down at Alex smiling, "There's no way she looks like Aaron, she has Sarah's eyes and hair and she has Ross' nose and smile. That girl is seriously blind."

**2 Days Later**

Finally today was the day you were able to go home and bring your new bundle of joy into your household. Once you walked in the door you took Alex upstairs for a nap since she fell asleep on the way home. As you were wrapping her up in a blanket Ross came up behind you resting his chin on your shoulder and wrapping his arms around your waist gently.

"It's so good having both of you back home with us." Ross said kissing your shoulder.

"It's good to be home." You say as you lean back into him looking in the crib.

The two of you headed downstairs and saw something so amazing, both of the twins walking across the floor towards the staircase where you and Ross were standing by. A smile spread across both of your faces as you slowly squatted down and reached out your arms to Elektra as Ross did the same for Jonathan.

"Come here sweetheart, look at you go. You're walking like a big girl." You say to her as she giggles and slowly walks towards you. Then she quickly ran into your arms as you slowly rose from your position.

"We're so proud of you guys!" you say kissing her cheek.

"I think they deserve a little treat." Ross said as he kissed Jon's cheek.

"I agree with daddy, let's see what we have in the kitchen." Both you and Ross turned heading into the kitchen seeing what kind of snacks they were allowed to eat since they didn't have many teeth yet. You found some pretzels and place them on the high chair. There were smiles on both of their faces as they gnawed on them. Both you and Ross just stood there in the kitchen watching them as his arms wrapped around your waist. He nuzzled his face into your neck holding you as tight as he could since he didn't want to hurt you after you just had Alex. You rested your arms over his and leaned into him resting your head against his shoulder.

About 20 minutes later you heard your phone go off. It was Abby.

"Hey girl, how are you feeling?" Abby asked.

"Hey, I'm doing alright, just trying to get back into the swing of things and enjoy my kids."

"Awe I bet how's the little one? I bet she's a cutie."

"Ha-ha yeah she is. She's doing well. She is actually sleeping right now." You answered as a smile spread across your face.

"That's good. Would it be okay if I stopped in to see her? I want to meet my little niece," Abby asked hopeful.

"Girl, you don't even have to ask. You're welcome here anytime." You say smiling into the phone.

"Okay, I'll be right over." Abby said excitedly then hung up.

No sooner you got off the phone you heard something that you thought you wouldn't for a while.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2015 ⏰

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